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Site Changes, May, 1999
What's New?
- 5/30/99
- Sorry for the long absence. We did not anticipate it, but a combination of work
pressures and a week-long technical conference took away any time to work on the website.
In the interrum we have passed our first birthday as a website! (May 24).
Fixed a broken link:
The Lutheran Online
Hymnal has a new website. Updated our link to point to it.
Their new site is quite nice. Be sure to
listen to some of their contemporary arrangements of old favorites.
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Guide Me, O Thou
Great Eternal
He Keeps Me
He Leadeth Me
In Thee, O Lord, I Put
My Trust, Dwight Armstrong
O Sacred Head, Now
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 142, Brady and
Tate, "New Version"
Psalm 143, Brady and
Tate, "New Version"
Psalm 144, Brady and
Tate, "New Version"
update completes the contents of
Brady and Tate's "A New Version of the Psalms of
David"Brady and Tate's "A New Version of the Psalms of
- 5/19/99
- Updated a link:
The Lutheran Online
Hymnal has a new website. Updated our link to point to it.
Their new site is quite nice. Be sure to
listen to some of their contemporary arrangements of old favorites.
- Added to the Hymnals section:
O God of Every Nation
The King Delights, Lord,
Dwight Armstrong
The Precepts of
My God, Dwight Armstrong
Thy Word, Eternal, is
Truth Evermore, Dwight Armstrong
update completes the contents of the Radio Church of God hymnal!!.
- 5/16/99
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 138, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 139, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 140, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 141, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 5/10/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
God Our Father,
Christ Our Brother
Hearts of the
Fathers, Ross Jutsum
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 132, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 133, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 134, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 135, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 136, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 137, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 5/6/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Lead, Kindly
Light -- we thought this was a good song for Pentecost
To the Eternal I Will
Cry, Dwight Armstrong
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 119, Brady and
Tate "New Version" (completed the Psalm. previously only had first 3
Psalm 120, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 121, Brady and
Tate "New Version" We think this is one of Brady and Tate's best
Psalm 122, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 123, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 124, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 125, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 126, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 5/4/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
God, Who Made the
Earth and Heaven (All Throught the Night)
He Hideth My Soul,
(Fanny Crosby)
He Is Able to Deliver
My Jesus, I Love
Nearer, My God,
to Thee - possibly the hymn played on the Titanic as it went down.
Never Alone
Vindicate the
Justice You Command, Dwight Armstrong
- 5/2/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
One Faith, One
Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 136, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 137, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 138, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 139, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 140, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 141, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 143, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 144, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 145, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
update completes our copy of Sternhold and Hopkins Psalms!!!.
Still to come from Sterhnold and Hopkins --
approximately 10 other
songs included at the end of their Psalter.

April, 1999
March, 1999
February, 1999
January, 1999
December, 1998
October-November, 1998
September, 1998
August, 1998
July, 1998
June, 1998
What's New?