Psalm 145          N.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre


   1  Thee will I laud, my God and King,
         and bless thy Name alway;
      For ever will I praise the same,
         and bless thee day by day.
   2  Great is the Lord, most worthy praise,
         his greatness none can reach;
      From race to race they shall thy works
         praise, and thy power preach.
   3  I of thy glorious majesty
         the beauty will record,
      And meditate upon thy works
         most wonderful, O Lord.
   4  And they shall of thy pow'r, and of
         thy faithful acts declare;
      And I to publish all abroad
         thy greatness will not spare;
   5  And they into the mention shall
         break of thy goodness great,
      And aloud thy righteousness
         in singing will repeat.
   6  The Lord our God most gracious is
         and merciful also,
      Of great abounding mercy, and
         to anger he is slow:
   7  Yea, good to all; and all his works
         His mercy doth exceed:
      Lo, all thy works do praise thee, Lord
         and honor thee indeed.
   8  Thy saints do bless thee, and they do
         thy kingdom's glory show,
      And blaze thy pow'r, to cause the sons
         of men the same to know:
  The Second Part.
   9  And of thy kingdom's majesty
         do spread the glorious praise;
      Thy kingdom, Lord, a kingdom is
         that doth endure always;
  10  And thy dominion through each age
         endures without decay:
      The Lord upholdeth them that fall,
         their sliding he doth stay.
  11  The eyes of all do wait on thee,
         thou dost them all relieve,
      And thou to each sufficing food
        in season due dost give.
  12  Thou openest thy plenteous hand,
         and bounteously dost fill
      All things whatever that do live
         With gifts of thy good will.
  13  The Lord is just in all his ways,
         his works are holy all,
      And he is near all those that do
         in truth upon him call.
  14  He the desires of all them
         that fear him will fulfill,
      And he will hear them when they cry,
         and save them all he will.
  15  The Lord preserves all those to him
         that bear a loving heart;
      But he all them that wicked are
         will utterly subvert.
  16  My thankful mouth shall gladly speak
         the praises of the Lord:
      All flesh to praise his holy Name
         for ever shall accord.

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