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Site Changes, June, 1998
What's New?
- 6/28/98
- Feedback via e-mail is now available. Send e-mail to:
- Thank You to Paul and Thelma Dwiggins of UCG-Indianapolis
and to Paul Drawbaugh, webmaster of Interact
for loaning us copies of the old RCOG gray hymnal.
Thank you to Roger and Lyna Jane Bryant for the loan of a copy
of the Ron Dart/CGI hymnal.
- Began adding the CGI and RCOG hymnal indexes to the Hymnals section.
- Added Psalms
20, Scottish Psalter
20, New Version
21, Scottish Psalter
21, New Version
- Psalm 22, Scottish Psalter
43, New Version
63, Old Version
Added some songs to the Hymnals section
A Child
of the King
With Me
the Beautiful
the Day Will Come
Lovely Are Thy Dwellings
the Lord Shall Build the House
- 6/23/98
- Added Psalms
Psalm 17,
Old Version
17, Scottish Psalter
18, Scottish Psalter
Psalm 20,
Old Version
- Some updates to the Hymnals section:
O Perfect
Solid Rock
Won't Be Long Now (Ross Jutsum)
Your Creator (Ross Jutsum)
Mighty Prince of Peace (Ross Jutsum)(a good one to learn as Trumpets approaches)
Thanks to John Paul Howell we will soon be adding the Blue Cover (1993?)
CGI hymnal to our hymnals section indexes, along with some additional MIDI files that he
has created for those songs. John Paul has sent us a complete listing of the index and
over 100 MIDI files to go with the songs. John Paul attends with an independent
congregation in the Baltimore, Maryland area.
- We have also received a kind offer of a loan of
the old RCOG hymnal and we will add that one to the hymnals section as soon as possible.
- Please pray that the intense work
pressure we have had the last two weeks will let up soon so that we can resume more
frequent updates to this site. It is our hope to update at least twice a week.
- 6/17/98
(Note: if you prefer a single large index, we will
try to keep this one up to date.
- Added some hymns to the Hymnals section:
Eternal Father, Strong to
Let All Things Now
Rejoice, The Lord is
To God Be the Glory
- Added Psalms:
Psalm 16, New Version
Psalm 19, The Book of Psalms
for Singing
Psalm 34, New Version
- 6/14/98
- Began reworking the Hymnals section to prepare for
additional songs. (Improved MIDI file embedding for Netscape users, music for several
Dwight Armstron songs. Re-work is about 1/4 complete.)
Added psalms:
- Psalm 10, Scottish
Psalm 11, Old Version
Psalm 12, Old Version
Psalm 14, New Version
Psalm 15, New Version
Psalm 119 (aleph), New
- Added a link to the Active Bible Church of God, an
independent group in the Chicago area. Their library of articles is excellent.
- 6/12/98
- Added a link to Barnabas Ministeries "Bible Study Web Site" to the Links page.
- 6/9/98
- Three songs by Ross Jutsum.
- By This Will All Men Know
(Note: check out these next two songs.
They are a couple that we don't recall
singing before
and that has been our loss. )
- God Shall Wipe Away Every Tear
- Think on These Things
- 6/7/98
- Psalm 81, Old Version
- Psalm 81, John Milton
- Psalm 81, Scottish Psalter
- Psalm 81, New Version
Psalm 81, Isaac Watts
May, 1998
What's New?
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