NB: many links are no longer working and have to be checked.
Hymn and Psalm Related Websites
- The Cyberhymnal
- Over 2000 classic hymns, with MIDI files for music, downloadable scores for most of the tunes, pictures and biographies of the song writers, etc. A great resource for public domain songs. Many of the MIDI files used on this website are from The Cyberhymnal.
- Ravenscroft's
Psalter (1621)
- One of the major early Psalters. Ravenscroft used
existing metrical versions of the Psalms (mostly from the Sternhold and
Hopkins Psalter) and provided music for all of them. This website has
scanned images of an early edition of Ravenscroft's Psalter.
- Hymns International
- Hymns in English, Spanish, French and Filipino (Tagalog). They also have a nice collection of MIDI files, including some praise songs.
- Southern Harmony
- A hymnal from the 1800's, with sheet music you can download and MIDI files for many of the tunes.
- 21st Century Puritanism
- This site is not devoted exclusively to music, but the Hymns section is well worth a visit to hear the music (and some words) by the webmaster, Mitch Cervinka, who has written some very good Psalm tunes. We were especially taken with his "For as High as the Heavens," a setting of Psalm 103.
- West Gallery Music Association
- An informal group of singers, instrumentalists and scholars who share an interest in the sacred music, psalmody, hymnody and secular music and dance performed in the west galleries of churches in the towns and villages of England during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
- ChristianMusic on About.Com
- A huge directory of Christian music websites.
- RhymeZone
- A search engine for words. Includes the functions of a rhyming
dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker. Look up rhymes for a
word, similar meanings, etc.
Other Church Hymnals
Anglican Hymnal Online
- Organized by their liturgical year and not complete.
- The Lutheran Hymnal Online
- There is also a Contemporary Version of many of the MIDI files Here's a sample -- "name this tune"
- HymnSite - The United Methodist Hymnal
- A site with some good resources, but the navagation is a bit odd.
- Reformed Net Audio Psalter
- This denomination has been singing nothing but the Psalms, from the Scottish Metrical Psalter, for several hundred years. They have the full Scottish Psalter, with appropriate tunes (as MIDI files) for every Psalm, but the tempos are extremely slow. If you have the RealAudio player there are some excellent choir performances of about 15 psalms or portions of psalms.
- Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal
- Very similar in style of content to the Ron Dart produced CGI hymnal, but has almost three times as many selections. Good variety of MIDI arrangements.
Other music related websites
- The Folksong Index
- Lots of classic hymns here, along with a little bit of just about everything else--from Stephen Foster and Civil War songs to sea chanties. (By the way, many of the chanties are not the vulgar bar-room songs we tend to think of, some of them are quite beautiful in their way.) MIDI files for many of the songs.
- Contemplator's Folk Song Indexes
- Another huge collection of folk songs. Not very many hymns, but lots of folk music. This site is much better for researching the stories behind the songs than The Folksong Index.
- Bagpipes
at Best
- Large collection of very well done MIDI files of bagpipe tunes, done
by a professional bagpiper.
Here is a sample: Amazing Grace
Church of God, Churches and Ministries
- Tyler Church of God
- Our home church.
- Christian Educational Ministries
- Ron Dart's ministry. Extensive educational
resources, including a very complete youth course. Study guides,
thoughtful essays, inspirational reading from Church members,
conference schedules, etc. A very complete, all-around
- Active Bible Church of God
- "We are members of the University of
Chicago community, near-by neighborhoods, and the greater Chicago
area who share a common interest in faithful obedience to God the
Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ. In particular, we follow the
example of Jesus in observing the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the
Ten Commandments."
- Church of God, Terre Haute
- Local Church Steps Back 20 Centuries to Move Forward: Here, in
Terre Haute, Indiana is a Christian congregation which is intent on
rediscovering the faith and practices of the New Testament church of the
first century.
- Field Guide to the Wild World
of Religion
- Your one-stop resource for accurate information on the wild and wooly
world of modern religious groups and teachers.
- United Christian Ministries
- Ray Wooten's ministry out of Birmingham, Al. United Christian Ministries
is dedicated to proclaiming a balanced Biblical message, with Jesus Christ
as the foundation. It is also a Christian service organization, which
supplies help, guidance and Biblical understanding to individuals and
- Vic Kubik's Home Page
- Vic is a member of the UCG Council of Elders. He is an excellent example of leadership by example, as is shown by his web site.
Church of God Youth
- Young Adults of the Church of God
- A site for all the "Young Adults of the church of God". Started in 1998,
it evolved over time, and is now in its fourth version of its online
presence. In 1998 there were just a few bio's online, now has over 1000
people connecting.
Other Christian sites
- Tekton Apologetic Ministries
- Successor to the Apologetics Bookshelf. A distinctly, "In Your Face" answer to skeptics of all kinds. Excellent material on the reliability of the Bible. Well worth a visit.
- Unravelling Wittgenstein's Net-- A Christian ThinkTank
- This apologetics site has some excellent material, but it can get pretty deep. Not for casual thinkers. Explore till you find out the meaning of "Wittgenstein's Net" and by then you'll know whether or not you like this site.
- Probe
- Based in Dallas, Texas. Good source of papers on current issues. Their papers are carefully written to be thorough but readable by the average reader.
- Stand to Reason
- Similar to Probe, but a one-man operation. The "Reflections" section here has some excellent short thoughts and answers to difficult challenges we often encounter.
Study and research resources
- Bible Study.org
- Alan Ruth's Barnabas Ministries web site. An extensive collection of well balanced bible studies on subjects of interest to the Sabbath keeping Churches of God. Many authors, not just one person's work.
- The Worldwide Study Bible
- Nine English translations of the Bible, chapter overviews, several commentaries, specialized translations (including streaming-audio of the King James version), even some hymn words. Possibly the most complete Bible resource on the web.
- Christian Classics Etherial Library
- Parent site for the Worldwide Study Bible listed above. Huge collection of online books from the Christian tradition.
- Books on the Internet
- Maintained by the University of Pennsylvania. The On-Line Books Page is a directory of books that can be freely read right on the Internet. It includes: An index of thousands of on-line books on the Internet, pointers to significant directories of books and archives of on-line texts and special exhibits.
