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Site Changes, April, 1999
What's New?
- 4/27/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Bringing in
the Sheaves
God Will
Take Care of You
In Distress I Cried Unto
the Lord, Dwight Armstrong
In His Word Have I Hope,
Dwight Armstrong
Where Shall I Go From
Your Spirit, O God?, Dwight Armstrong
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 119, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version" (v65 thru the end)
- 4/25/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Blow the Horn, Let Zion
Hear, Dwight Armstrong (not suitable for small children, too scary)
Footsteps of
Forth in Thy Name
Seek Ye First
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 102, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 103, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 105, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 106, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
This update
completes our copy of Sternhold and Hopkins through book 4.
Psalm 52, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 53, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 54, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 55, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 56, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 57, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 58, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 59, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
This update
completes our copy of Brady and Tate through book 4.
- 4/21/99
- Added to the Hymnals section
Fight the
Good Fight, Monsell/Boyd, WCG 93 hymnal
Fight the Good
Fight, Paul Shemet, UCG 1997 hymnal
- Have Thine Own
Way, Lord!
Holy, Mighty
Majesty!, Dwight Armstrong
More Love to Thee
Psalm, RCOG hymnal, words from Scottish Psalter, 1650
Rescue the
Perishing, Fanny Crosby
The Wicked Man,
Dwight Armstrong
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 135, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 142, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 47, Bay Psalm
Psalm 95, Bay Psalm
Psalm 49, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 50, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 51, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 4/18/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Arise, Eternal, O
My God, (Dwight Armstrong)
Come, Thou Long
Expected Jesus
His Eyes Behold the
Children of Men, (Dwight Armstrong)
In Days of Old
(Mark Graham)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 73,
Sternhold and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 74, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 75, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 76, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 77, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 78, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 79, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 80, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
This update
completes our copy of Sternhold and Hopkins thru Book 3.
Psalm 44, Scottish
1564 / 1635
Psalm 44, Brady and
Tate "A New Version of the Psalms of David"
Psalm 45, Brady and
Tate "A New Version of the Psalms of David"
Psalm 46, Brady and
Tate "A New Version of the Psalms of David"
Psalm 47, Brady and
Tate "A New Version of the Psalms of David"
Psalm 48, Brady and
Tate "A New Version of the Psalms of David"
Added several new CM and CMD tunes.
- 4/11/99
- NOTE: job pressures and a business trip are eating into time for
preparing new material right now. The next anticipated update will be 4/18/99. We hope
things will free up after that and we will be able to resume more frequent updates.
- Corrected some wrong links and spellings.
Thank you very much to those who sent in feedback with the corrections!
- Added to the Hymnals section:
By suggestion -
began converting hymnal listings to
show page numbers in the various hymnals instead of just an "X."
Fill Thou My Life, O
Lord My God
Praise God! (Dwight Armstrong)
- 4/5/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
If I Have Not Charity,
Dwight Armstrong (1 Cor 13)
Forgive and You
Shall Be Forgiven, Ruth Myrick
Thank You Lord,
Ruth Myrick (an instant "old favorite" from the UCG hymnal.)
We Plough the
Fields and Scatter
When I See the
Blood (I will pass over you)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 69, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 70, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 71, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 72, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
- 4/2/99
Added to the Hymnals section:
The following are a series of songs from Mark Graham's hymnal that cover the events
cover the events of the Crucifixion week, from Jesus trimumphant entry into
through the Resurrection and His victory.
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna,
Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem
All Glory, Laud and
Honor, Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem
God Speaks to Us,
some words of the Lord's from the last supper
Were You There?,
The Crucifixion
In Joseph's Lovely Garden,
the Resurrection
Rejoice, the Lord
is King, Christ's triumph in the Resurrection
We've a Story to Tell to
the Nations, one thing we should do about these events
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 145,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 147,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 148,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 149,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 150,
Scottish 1650
update completes the Scottish Psalter of 1650.

March, 1999
February, 1999
January, 1999
December, 1998
October-November, 1998
September, 1998
August, 1998
July, 1998
June, 1998
What's New?