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Site Changes, March, 1999
What's New?
- 3/29/99
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 65, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 66, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 67, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 68, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 87, Scottish
Psalm 88, Scottish
Psalm 104,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 105,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 106,
Scottish 1650
- 3/28/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
The Day of
The Lion of Judah
(new MIDI file)
The Nail Scarred
'Tis Midnight,
and on Olive's Brow, (Jesus praying in the garden)
Why Do the Nations
Make Plans in Vain?, Dwitht Armstrong (from Psalm 2)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 39, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 40, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 41, Brady and
tate, "New Version"
- 3/25/99
- Special Passover Selection:
What hymn did the disciples sing before they went out to the Mount of Olives?
It might have been one of the Psalms that have been traditionally sung
at Passover by the Jews since before Jesus time (and are still used today)
The Psalms of:
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 117, Scottish
1564 / 1635
- 3/23/99
- Added some more songs from Mark Graham's Hymnal
When Mark was unable to get permission to use some of Dwight
songs in his hymnal, he decided to come up with alternatives from
public domain
sources. Here are some examples of what he found:
Most Perfect Is the Law of God, words from
Psalm 19, music from the public domain
- Added to the Hymnals section:
I Will Sing Unto the
Eternal, Dwight Armstrong (From Exodus 15)
My Faith Looks Up to
Thee, (some congregations are using this at the end of Passover services)
My Savior's Love
O Give Thanks Unto Our
God, Dwight Armstrong (from Psalm 118)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 15, The
Psalter, 1912
Psalm 115, The Psalter
- 3/17/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Amazing Grace
At Calvary
His Name is Great,
Dwight Armstrong (from Psalm 76)
Joyfully Sing
and Praise God, Dwight Armstrong (from Psalm 66)
Turn, O God, and
Save Me, Dwight Armstrong (from Psalm 6)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 6, Scottish
Psalm 102,
Scottish 1650
Psalm 103,
Scottish 1650
- 3/16/99
- Here is The Latest News on Mark Graham's hymnal
Added some songs that will be in Mark Graham's hymnal
A Song in the
How I Love Thy
Law, O Lord, from Psalm 119
The Lord Will Come
and Not Be Slow
Mark combined words by
John Milton with music
from the 1635 Scottish
Psalter to create this song.
More to come . . .
- 3/14/99
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 61, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 62, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 64, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 35, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 36, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 37, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 38, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 3/8/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Come, Thou Font of
Every Blessing
Come, Ye
Face to Face
Fairest Lord Jesus
- 3/7/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Jesus I Come (appeared
in the old gray hymnal. Sadly, it hasn't been included in any since)
- Added to the Psalms section:
- Psalm 90, Scottish
Psalm 61, Scottish
Psalm 85, Scottish
Psalm 86, Scottish
Psalm 28, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 30, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 31, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 3/3/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Christ Our
Passover, Ross Jutsum
To the Hills I'll Lift
Mine Eyes, Dwight Armstrong
We Give Thee but Thine
Own, Something to think about with the spring Holy Days coming up.
When Morning Gilds the
Skies (sing this one loud)
Who Is On the Lord's Side?
Whosoever Will
Wonderful Words of
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 31, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 33, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 58, Scottish
Psalm 59, Scottish
Psalm 22, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 23, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
Psalm 27, Brady and
Tate "New Version"
- 3/1/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Praise Belongs to God,
Dwight Armstrong (Psalm 115)
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 27, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 28, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 30, Sternhold
and Hopkins "Old Version"
Psalm 115, Isaac Watts
(2 versions)

February, 1999
January, 1999
December, 1998
October-November, 1998
September, 1998
August, 1998
July, 1998
June, 1998
What's New?