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Site Changes, October-November, 1998
What's New?
- 11/18/98
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Glory to Thy Name
Go and Teach
All Nations, Ross Jutsum
Wisdom Begins With the
Fear of the Lord, Dwight Armstrong
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 55, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 56, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 57, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 62, Scottish
Psalm 63, Scottish
- 11/15/98
- Added to the Hymnals section:
Make Me a Blessing
Moment by Moment
My Hope Is in His
Word, (Psalm 130)
O Brother Man
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 53, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 54, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 55, Scottish
Psalm 56, Scottish
Psalm 61, Brady and
Psalm 73, Isaac Watts
Psalm 76, Isaac Watts
- 11/14/98
- Added a photo of Dwight Armstrong
Added to the Hymnals section:
Who Shall Dwell on
Thy Holy Hill?, Dwight Armstrong
The Servant's
Prayer, Dwight Armstrong
- 11/11/98
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 12, The
Psalter, 1912
- Added several new tunes in CM and LM..
- 11/10/98
- Corrected tune on "God is
Calling Childrer" by Mark Graham.
Added to the Hymnals section:
How Good
It Is To Thank the Lord, Dwight Armstrong.
How I Love Thy Law,
O Lord
- 11/9/98
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 51, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 52, Sternhold
and Hopkins
- 11/3/98
- New in the Library
- Separate indexes for three of the Psalters:
Sternhold and Hopkins
Scottish Psalter
and Tate
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 49, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 50, Sternhold
and Hopkins
- 11/1/98
- New or updated in the Hymnals section
As for Me And My
House (by Sharon Treybig)
All People that On Earth
Do Dwell - Added some alternate tunes.
We are also trying a slightly
different format for a song page here. Please
let us know how you like (or
dislike) it.
From the
Highest Heaven (Mark Graham, unpublished)
God is
Calling Children (Mark Graham)
How Long Wilt Thou
Forget Me, Lord? (Dwight Armstrong)
Rejoice and Be
Glad (Ross Jutsum)
Revive Us Again
(MIDI sequencing by John Paul Howell)
Righteous Judge
(Dwight Armstrong)
Thou Shepherd That
Dost Israel Keep (Dwight Armstrong, words, John Milton
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 42, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 43, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 44, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 45, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 46, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 47, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 48, Sternhold
and Hopkins
Psalm 49, Scottish
Psalm 50, Scottish
Psalm 51, Scottish
- Added to the Hymnals section
O God We Have Heard
- Added to the Psalms section:
Psalm 42, Scottish
Psalm 43, Scottish
Psalm 44, Scottish
Psalm 44, Psalter Hymnal
Psalm 45, Scottish
(2 versions)
Psalm 45, Charles Wesley
Psalm 46, Scottish
Psalm 46, Isaac Watts
Psalm 47, Scottish

September, 1998
August, 1998
July, 1998
June, 1998
What's New?