Psalm 42          J. H.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  Like as the hart doth pant and bray,
         the well-springs to obtain;
      So doth my soul desire alway,
         with thee, Lord, to remain.
   2  My soul doth thirst, and would draw near 
         the living God of might;
      Oh, when shall I come and appear
         in presence of his sight
   3  The tears all times are my repast,
         which from my eyes do slide;
      Whilst wicked men cry out so fast,
         Where now is God thy guide?
   4  Alas, what grief is it to think
         the freedom once I had!
      Therefore my soul, as at pit's brink,
         most heavy is and sad.
   5  For I did march in good array,
         with joyful company,
      Unto the temple was our way,
         to praise the Lord most high.
   6  My soul, why art thou sad always,
         and frett'st thus in my breast!
      Trust still in God, for him to praise
         I hold it ever best.
   7  By him I succor have at need
         against all pain and grief;
      He is my God, who with all speed
         doth haste to send relief.
   8  My soul is vex�d in me, and
         therefore, O Lord, I will
      Remember thee, from Jordan's land,
         and Hennon's little hill.
    The Second Part.
   9  One grief another in doth call,
         as clouds burst out their voice;
      The floods of evil that do fall,
         run over me with noise.
  10  Yet I by day felt his goodness
         and help at all assays;
      Likewise at night I did not cease
         the living God to praise.
  11  I am persuaded thus to say
         to him with reverence,
      O Lord, thou art my guide and stay,
         my 'rock and sure defense.
  12  Why do I then in pensiveness,
         hanging the head, thus walk,
      While that my enemies oppress
         and vex me with their talk!
  13  For why? They pierce my inward parts
         with pains to be abhorred,
      When they cry out with stubborn hearts, 
         Where now is God thy Lord
  14  So soon, my soul, why dost thou faint, 
         with pain and grid oppressed?
      Why do sad thoughts without restraint,
         thus rage within my breast?
  15  Trust in the Lord thy God always,
         and thou the time shalt see,
      To give him thanks with laud and praise, 
         for health restored to thee.

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