Glory to Thy Name

Words and music: Sonia J. King
Text based on: Psalm 145:1-15, Revelation 15:3-4

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 1  I will extol Thee, my God and King adore;
    And bless Thy name, O Lord, from now and ever more
    How just and true Thy ways, Lord, O King of ev'ry age.
    How just and true Thy ways, for ever glory to Thy name.

 2  Who shall not fear Thee and glorify Thy name,
    And worship Thee O Lord, through this and ev'ry age?
    Thy mighty deeds and judgments in righteousness revealed;
    Thy mercy lasts forever more, we glorify Thee Lord.

 3  Saints in Thy splendor shall give Thee thanks and praise;
    Declare Thy greatness, Thy wondrous works proclaim.
    Thy Kingdom and Thy power in love reigneth over men.
    Let all the nations ev'ry angel, bless Thy holy name.

 4  Thy name I bless, Lord, my King, forever more.
    King of all ages, all nations, Thee adore.
    for Thou alone art holy, Thy goodness pours forth fame;
    O Lord, our God, and King forever, glory to Thy name.

Words and music copyright �1993 by Sonia J. King
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004