As For Me and My House

Words and music: Sharon Treybig 

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 1  As for me and my house, we will serve You, Lord forever!
    Just as our father Abraham, we also shall obey.
    For in truth and spirit, we'll serve only You above;
    We know You want to bless us all with everlasting love.
    In our hearts and minds, Lord, You already have a home;
    At Your return our family will become Your very own.

 2  In your mercy Father, You revealed to us Your plan;
    You gave the Way to peace and life for sinful, mortal man.
    down through all the ages, Your true faithful have held fast.
    Your holy way of life was made with clear intent to last.
    So much pain, and suff'ring so few will do the right;
    Come quickly Lord deliver us O please send back the Light.

 3  As for me and my house, we will serve You Lord, forever
    As faithful fathers honored You, we also shall obey.
    Daily we look for Your coming, watchfully we wait;
    True blessings come in Your time, never early, never late.
    In our hearts and minds, Lord, You already have a home;
    Please bless this family and help us grow into Your own.

Words and music copyright �1995 by Sharon Treybig
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004