The Whole
Book of Psalms
Collected into
English Metre
Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins,
and Others
Conferred with the Hebrew:
Set forth and allowed to be Sung in all Churches, of all the People
together, before and after Morning and Evening Prayer; and also before and after Sermons;
and moreover in private Houses, for their godly Solace and comfort: laying apart all
ungodly Songs and Ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of Vice, and corrupting of
Stereotype edition
Printed at the Clarendon press,
By Bensley, Cooke, and Collingwood,
Printers to the University:
And sold by E. Gardner, at the Oxford Bible Warehouse, Paternoster Row,

The Old Version psalms on this web site are transcribed from a book
whose title page reads as above. The first edition of this psalter was published in 1562,
some 250 years before our copy!
Originally published by John Day of London in 1562. Sternhold and Hopkins was the first
complete English language version of the Psalms. It remained the standard version in
England for almost two hundred years.
English Beginnings
The Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter actually had its beginning about 14 years before it
was published in its final form. The exact date is not known for certain, but
1548 is
generally accepted as the year when Thomas Sternhold published his first collection of 19
Psalms (Ps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 41, 49, 73, 78, 103, 120,
122, and 138)1 This collection was dedicated to King Edward VI and was
titled "Certayne PSALMES chose out of the PSALTER OF
DAVID, and drawe into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold grome of Ye Kynges
Maiesties roobes." Sternhold had expressed his intent to versify more of the Psalms,
but he died shortly after the first edition was published.
In 1549 a posthumus edition of Sternhold's Psalms was published,
this time containing 37 Psalms by Sternhold and an additional seven by John Hopkins. This
edition was titled "Al suche Psalmes of DAVID as Thomas
Sternholde, late grome of ye Kinges Maiesties Robes didde in hys lyfe tyme draw into
English metre."
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The Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter (Day's
Index of Sternhold and Hopkins Psalms on this site