Updates for October-November, 1999
- 11/28/99
- New design for main site pages.
- 11/21/99
- Added to the Psalters section:
Psalm 3, from the 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 4, from the 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 5, from the 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 49 from the 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 4, Isaac Watts (2 versions)
Psalm 5, Isaac Watts (2 versions)
- 11/17/99
- Added to the Psalters section:
Updated the History of the Scottish Psalter of 1635
Psalm 116, from the Scottish Psalter of 1635
Psalm 117, from the Scottish Psalter of 1635
Psalm 95, from the 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
- 10/28/99
- Added to the Psalters section:
Psalm 99, by Isaac Watts
Psalm 100, by Isaac Watts (2 versions, both LM)
Psalm 77, 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 123, 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
Psalm 124, 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions)
- 10/17/99
- Added to the Hymnals section:
He Lives On High, To the Hawaiian tune "Aloha Oe"
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
Take My Life and Let It Be
- Added to the Psalters section
Psalm 29, Scottish Psalter of 1564/1635
Psalm 32, Scottish Psalter of 1564/1635
- 10/10/99
- Added to the Psalters section
Psalm 50, Isaac Watts (4 versions)
Psalm 51, Isaac Watts
Psalm 122, 1887 Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church (2 versions) - 10/5/99
- Some small cleanup and added a disclaimer to: Music of the Bible Revealed
- We have been very busy at work and then went to the Feast of Tabernacles,
returning on Monday, October 3. We plan to resume regular updates this
August-September, 1999
July, 1999
June, 1999
May, 1999
April, 1999
March, 1999
February, 1999
January, 1999
December, 1998
October-November, 1998
September, 1998
August, 1998
July, 1998
June - 1998
May - 1998