He Lives On High

Words: B.B. McKinney, c1921

Based on the Hawaiian melody "Aloha Oe" Arrangement by B.B. McKinney, c1921
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  1.  Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory,
      To redeem the lost from sin and shame;
      On His brow he wore the thorn-crown glory,
      And upon Calvary He took my blame.

      He lives on high, He lives on high,
      Triumphant over sin and all its stain;
      He lives on high, He lives on high,
      Some day He's coming again.

  2.  He arose from death and all its sorrow,
      To dwell in that land of joy and love;
      He is coming back some glad tomorrow,
      And He'll take all His children above.


  3.  Weary soul, to Jesus come confessing,
      Redemption from sin He offers thee;
      Look to Jesus and receive a blessing,
      There is life, there is joy and victory!


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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004