Psalm 77
Words: The
Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1887 ed.
Note: This page also has a Long Metre
version of this psalm.
1 I With my voice cried unto God,
Yea, unto God I cried:
And to my earnest prayer his ear
He graciously applied.
2 Through all the day I sought the Lord,
While trouble on me pressed;
Through all the night I spread my hands.
My soul would take no rest.
3 I to remembrance God recalled,
But trouble still remained;
And overwhelmed my spirit was
While I in grief complained.
4 Thou dost withhold my eyes from sleep,
When sleep and rest I seek;
My trouble is so great that I
Unable am to speak.
5 I thought upon the days of old,
The years departed long;
I held communion with my heart;
By night recalled my song.
6 My heart inquired with anxious care,
Will God forever spurn?
Shall we no more his favor see?
Will mercy ne'er return?
7 Forever does his promise fail?
Hath God forgotten grace?
Hath he shut up his tender love?
In anger hid his face?
8 "But this is my infirmity,"
My thoughts at once reply;
I'll call back years of God's right hand.
The years of God Most High.
9 I will commemorate the deeds
Accomplished by the Lord;
The wonders done of old by thee
I surely will record.
10 I also will of all thy works
My meditation make;
And of thy doings to discourse
Great pleasure I will take.
11 O God, most holy is thy way
In thy divine abode;
Who is so great a god of might
As our Almighty God?
12 Thou art the God of wondrous deeds
Performed by thy right hand;
Thou hast declared thy strength among
The tribes of every land.
13 To thy own people with thy arm
Thou didst redemption bring;
To Jacob's sons, and to the tribes
From Joseph's house that spring.
14 The waters saw thee, O Most High,
They saw, and troubled were;
And from its lowest depths the sea
Was moved, and fled for fear.
15 The clouds poured out abundant rain,
Loud sounds filled all the sky;
Yea, here and there on every side
Thy arrows swift did fly.
16 In thunders loud along the heavens
Thy voice was uttered forth;
Thy lightnings blazed across the World,
Then shook and quaked the earth.
17 Thy paths were in the waters great,
Thy way was in the sea,
Thy footsteps 'mid the deep sea waves
Were only known to thee.
18 And like a flock of sheep thou didst
Thy people safely guide
By Moses' and by Aaron's hand
Through all the desert wide.
1 I cried to God, I cried, he heard;
In day of grief I sought the Lord;
All night with hands stretched out I wept,
My soul no comfort would accept.
2 I thought of God, and was distressed;
Complained, yet trouble round me pressed;
Thou holdest, Lord, my eyes awake;
So great my grief I cannot speak.
3 The days of old I called to mind,
The ancient years when God was kind;
I called to mind my song by night,
My musing spirit sought for light.
4 Will God cast off forevermore?
His favor will he ne'er restore?
Has grace forever passed away?
Or, doth his promise fail for aye?
5 Hath God forgotten to be kind?
His tender love in wrath confined?
My weakness this, yet faith doth stand
Recalling years of God's right band.
6 The works of old done by the Lord,
Thy wondrous works I will record;
I'll muse on all thy works so vast,
And talk of all thy doings past.
7 The holy place is thy abode;
What god so great as is our God?
Thy wondrous works thou hast made known,
Thy strength among the people shown.
8 Thy arm the sons of Jacob saved,
And Joseph's offspring when enslaved.
The waters saw thee, God of might,
The waters saw thee with affright.
9 Then troubled was the mighty main;
The clouds poured out abundant rain;
The lowering skies send out a sound,
And far thy arrows blazed around.
10 Thy lightnings flashed, thy thunders pealed,
The trembling earth in terror reeled;
Thou through the sea thy way didst keep,
Thy path was in the mighty deep.
11 Thy footsteps were to all unknown;
Thy goodness to thy flock was shown.
By Moses' and by Aaron's hand
Thou didst them guide to Canaan's land.