Psalm 103

Words: The Scottish Psalter


A Psalm of David.

  1  O thou my soul, bless God the Lord;
        and all that in me is
     Be stirred up his holy name
        to magnify and bless.

  2  Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God,
        and not forgetful be
     Of all his gracious benefits
        he hath bestowed on thee.

  3  All thine iniquities who doth
        most graciously forgive:
     Who thy diseases all and pains
        doth heal, and thee relieve.

  4  Who doth redeem thy life, that thou
        to death may'st not go down;
     Who thee with loving-kindness doth
        and tender mercies crown:

  5  Who with abundance of good things
        doth satisfy thy mouth;
     So that, ev'n as the eagle's age,
        renewed is thy youth.

  6  God righteous judgment executes
        for all oppressed ones.
  7  His ways to Moses, he his acts
        made known to Isr'el's sons.

  8  The Lord our God is merciful,
        and he is gracious,
     Long-suffering, and slow to wrath,
        in mercy plenteous.

  9  He will not chide continually,
        nor keep his anger still.
 10  With us he dealt not as we sinned,
        nor did requite our ill.

 11  For as the heaven in its height
        the earth surmounteth far;
     So great to those that do him fear
         his tender mercies are:

 12  As far as east is distant from
        the west, so far hath he
     From us removed, in his love,
        all our iniquity.

 13  Such pity as a father hath
        unto his children dear;
     Like pity shews the Lord to such
        as worship him in fear.

 14  For he remembers we are dust,
        and he our frame well knows.
 15  Frail man, his days are like the grass,
        as flow'r in field he grows:

 16  For over it the wind doth pass,
        and it away is gone;
     And of the place where once it was
        it shall no more be known.

 17  But unto them that do him fear
        God's mercy never ends;
     And to their children's children still
        his righteousness extends:

 18  To such as keep his covenant,
        and mindful are alway
     Of his most just commandements,
        that they may them obey.

 19  The Lord prepared hath his throne
        in heavens firm to stand;
     And ev'ry thing that being hath
        his kingdom doth command.

 20  O ye his angels, that excel
        in strength, bless ye the Lord;
     Ye who obey what he commands,
        and hearken to his word.

 21  O bless and magnify the Lord,
        ye glorious hosts of his;
     Ye ministers, that do fulfil
        whate'er his pleasure is.

 22  O bless the Lord, all ye his works,
        wherewith the world is stored
     In his dominions ev'ry where.
        My soul, bless thou the Lord.

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