Psalm 38Words: Brady and Tate, A New Version of the Psalms of David 1 Thy chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain, though I deserve it all; Nor let at once on me the storm of thy displeasure fall. 2 In ev'ry wretched part of me thy arrows deep remain; Thy heavy hand's afflicting weight I can no more sustain. 3 My flesh is one continued wound, thy wrath so fiercely glows, Betwixt my punishment and guilt my bones have no repose. 4 My sins, that to a deluge swell, my sinking head o'erflow, And for my feeble strength to bear too vast a burden grow. 5 Stench and corruption fill my wounds, my folly's just return; 6 With trouble I am warped and bowed, and all day long I mourn. 7 A loathed disease afflicts my loins, infecting ev'ry part; 8 With sickness worn, I groan and roar, through anguish of my heart. The Second Part. 9 But, Lord, before thy searching eyes all my desires appear; And sure my groans have been too loud not to have reached thine ear. 10 My heart's oppressed, my strength's decayed, my eyes deprived of light; 11 Friends, lovers, kinsmen, gaze aloof on such a dismal sight. 12 Meanwhile the foes that seek my life, their snares to take me set, Vent slanders, and contrive all day to forge some new deceit. 13 But I, as if both deaf and dumb, nor heard, nor once reply d; 14 Quite deaf and dumb, like one whose tongue with conscious guilt is tied. 15 For, Lord, to thee I do appeal, my innocence to clear; assured that thou, the righteous God, my injured cause wilt hear. 16 "Hear me" said I "lest my proud foes a spiteful joy display, insulting if they see my foot but once to go astray." 17 And, with continual grief oppressed, to sink I now begin 18 To thee, O Lord, I will confess, to thee bewail my sin. 19 But whilst I languish, my proud foes their strength and vigor boast; And they that hate me without cause are grown a dreadful host. 20 E'en they, whom I obliged, return my kindness with despite; And are my enemies, because I choose the path that's right. 21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God, nor far from me depart; 22 Make haste to my relief, O thou, who my salvation art. |