Think on These Things

Words and music: Ross Jutsum,
Text based on Ephesians 5:19 & Philippians 4:8

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  Whatever is lovely and true, 
     whatever is gracious and kind
  Whatever is just and is pure,
     with these we should fill up our minds.
  In anything worthy of praise
     and virtue of which we could sing;
  What's worthy of honor and rev'rence,
     my brethren, let's think on these things.    
  In psalms and in spiritual songs,
     in hymns as we offer our praise,
  We speak to each other in love,
     as voices together we raise.
  So gladden yourselves in the Lord;
     delight and rejoice all the day.
  My brethren, let's think on these things
     and we'll walk in His wonderful way.     

Words and music copyright �1993 by Ross Jutsum
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004