Psalm 17       T.S.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  O Lord, give ear to my just cause,
         attend unto my cry,
      And hear the pray'r I offer up
         to thee unfeignedly; 
   2  And let the judgment of my cause
         proceed always from thee,
      And let thine eyes behold and clear
         truth and simplicity. 
   3  Thou hast well tried me in the night,
         and yet could'st nothing find,
      That I have spoken with my tongue, 
         that was not in my mind. 
   4  As for the works of wicked men,
         and paths perverse and ill,
      For love of thy most holy Name
         I have refrain�d still. 
   5  Then in thy paths that be most pure,
         Lord, guide me, and preserve,
      That from the way wherein I walk
         my steps may never swerve. 
   6  For I do call to thee, O Lord,
         surely thou wilt me aid;
      Then hear my pray'r, and weigh right well
         the words that I have said. 
   7  O thou, the Savior of all them
         that put their trust in thee,
      Declare thy strength on them that spurn
         against thy majesty. 
   8  O keep me as thou wouldest keep
         the apple of thine eye,
      And under cover of thy wings
         defend me secretly; 
The Second Part 
   9  From wicked men that trouble me,
         and daily me annoy;
      And from my foes that go about
         my soul for to destroy: 
  10  Who wallow in their worldly wealth,
         and are so full and fat,
      That in their pride they do not spare
         to speak they care not what. 
  11  They lie in wait where I should pass,
         with craft me to confound;
      And musing mischief in their minds
         to cast me to the ground: 
  12  Much like a lion greedily
        that would his prey embrace;
      Or lurking like a lion's whelp,
         within some secret place. 
  13  Up, Lord, in haste, prevent my foe,
         and cast him at my feet;
      Save thou my soul from the ill man,
         and with thy sword him smite. 
  14  Deliver me, Lord, by thy pow'r,
         out of these tyrants' hands,
      Who now so long time reign-ed have,
         and kept us in their bands; 
  15  I mean, from worldly men, who do
         in worldly goods abound;
      That have no hope or joy but what
         in this life can be found. 
  16  Thou of thy store their bellies fill'st
         with pleasure to their mind;
      Their children have enough, and leave
         the rest to theirs behind. 
  17  But as for me, I will behold
         thy face in righteousness;
      And shall be satisfied when I
         awake with thy likeness.

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