Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Words: William Whiting, 1860

Music:   Unable to initialize MIDI player   "Melita," John Bacchus Dykes, 1860  Melita was the island the Apostle Paul reached after his ship went down (Acts 28:1); today it is known as the isle of Malta.
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  1. Eternal Father, strong to save,
     Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
     Who biddest the mighty ocean deep
     Its own appointed limits keep;
     Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
     For those in peril on the sea! 
  2. O Christ, the Lord of hill and plain
     o'er which our traffic runs amain,
     By mountain pass or valley low:
     Wherever, Lord, our brethren go,
     Protect them by Thy Guarding hand
     from ev'ry peril on the land.
  3. O Spirit, whom the Father sent
     to spread abroad the firmament,
     O Wind of heaven, by Thy might
     save all who dare the eagle's flight,
     And keep them by Thy watchful care
     from ev'ry peril in the air.

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