Psalm 20       T.S.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  In trouble and adversity
         the Lord God hear thee still;
      The Majesty of Jacob's God
         defend thee from all ill;
   2  And send thee from his holy place
         his help at ev'ry need;
      And so in Zion e'stablish thee,
         and make thee strong indeed.
   3  Rememb'ring well the sacrifice
         that now in him is done;
      And so receive most graciously
         thy offerings each one.
   4  According to thy heart's desire,
         the Lord grant unto thee,
      And all thy counsel and thy mind
         full well perform may he.
   5  We will rejoice when thou us sav'st,
         and banners shall display
      Unto the Lord, who thy requests
         fulfill�d hath always.
   6  The Lord will his Anointed save,
         I know well by his grace,
      And send him help by his right hand
         out of his holy place.
   7  In chariots some put confidence,
         and some in horses trust:
      But we remember God our Lord,
         who keepeth promise just.
   8  They all fall down, but we do rise
         and stand up steadfastly:
      O save and help us, Lord and King, 
         when we to thee do cry.

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