Psalm 50Words: Brady and Tate, A New Version of the Psalms of David
1,2 The Lord hath spoke; the mighty God hath sent his summons all abroad, From dawning light, till day declines; The list'ning earth his voice hath heard, and he from Zion hath appeared, Where beauty in perfection shines. 3,4 Our God shall come, and keep no more misconstrued silence, as before; But wasting flames before him send: Around shall tempests fiercely rage, while he does heav'n and earth engage His just tribunal to attend. 5,6 Assemble all my saints to me, (thus runs the great divine decree,) That in my lasting cov'nant live: And off'rings bring with constant care; (the heav'ns his justice shall declare;) For God himself shall sentence give. 7 Attend, my people; Israel, hear; thy strong accuser I'll appear; Thy God, thy only God, am I: 8 'Tis not of off'rings I complain, which, daily in my temple slain, My sacred altar did supply. 9 Will this alone atonement make? no bullock from thy stall I'll take, Nor he-goat from thy fold accept; 10 The forest beasts that range alone, the cattle too are all my own, That on a thousand hills are kept. 11 I know the fowls, that build their nests in craggy rocks; and savage beasts, That loosely haunt the open fields: 12 If seized with hunger I could be, I need not seek relief from thee, Since the world's mine, and all it yields. 13 Think'st thou that I have any need on slaughtered bulls and gnats to feed; To eat their flesh and drink their blood? 14 The sacrifices I require, are hearts which love and zeal inspire, And vows with strictest care made good. 15 In time of trouble call on me, and I will set thee safe and free, And thou returns of praise shalt make. 16 But to the wicked thus saith God, How dar'st thou teach my laws abroad, Or in thy mouth my cov'nant take? 17 For stubborn thou, confirmed in sin, hast proof against instruction been, And of my word didst slightly speak. 18 When thou a subtle thief didst see, thou gladly didst with him agree, And with adult'rers didst partake. 19 Vile slander is thy chief delight, thy tongue, by envy moved and spite, Deceitful tales doth hourly spread; 20 Thou dost with hateful scandals wound thy brother and with lies confound The offspring of thy mother's bed. 21 These things didst thou, whom still I strove to gain with silence and with love; Till thou didst wickedly surmise, That I was such a one as thou; but I'll reprove and shame thee now, And set thy sins before thine eyes. 22 Mark this, ye wicked fools, lest I let all my bolts of vengeance fly, While none shall dare your cause to own. 23 Who praises me, due honor gives; and to the man that justly lives, My strong salvation shall be shown. |