Christian hymns, songs and music for praise and worship Christian hymns, songs and music for praise and worship

Songs from Music for the Church of God

The Christian hymns and songs on this page have either been created specifically from words and music on this website, or they are songs we've found in old hymnals and that do not appear to be in general use any longer.  None of these is original in either words or music, but in most instances the combination of words and music is, to our knowledge, new.

Behold What Wondrous Love Based on words by Isaac Watts. A song about our adoption as sons of God. Intended mainly for Pentecost.
How Filled With Honor is the Place Based on words by Isaac Watts. A song about the glory of the Church. Intended mainly for Pentecost.
These two songs were intended to speak to two unfortunate trends in the Church.
Against Divisions in the Church    Words from Isaac Watts "Divine and Moral Songs for Children" where it was titled "Against Quarreling and Fighting"
Against Scoffing and Calling Names     Words from Isaac Watts "Divine and Moral Songs for Children" where it was titled "Against Quarreling and Fighting"
Shepherd of Israel, Hear Our Cry Adapted from words by Charles Wesley. A prayer/song asking God to help us come back together.
O God Who Hast Our Troops Dispersed From the Brady and Tate version of Psalm 60
See How These Christians Love Words by Charles Wesley. A song about the example the Church should be setting.
Another Six Days Work is Done A song for the Sabbath, words written by a 17th century Seventh Day Baptist.
A Selection of Songs Based on Psalm 32 After droning through "They Are Blessed Who Are Forgiven" at both morning and afternoon services during last spring's holy days, we went looking for some alternative versions of Psalm 32. The result was this special selection of songs, all based on Psalm 32.
Our Earth We Now Lament to See Words adapted from Charles Wesley. A song about our need for Christ's return. Intended primarily for Trumpets and/or Atonement.
He Comes, He Comes Words adapted from Charles Wesley and Josiah Condor. A song for the Feast of Trumpets.
The Great White Throne Words from the Scottish Hymnary. A good song for the Last Great Day.


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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004