Another Six Days Work is Done

Words: Joseph Stennett, (1663-1713)  From his poem "On the Sabbath"
Stennett was pastor of the Baptist Sabbatarian congregation which met at Devonshire Square, London.

Music:      "Retreat"  Thomas Hastings, 1842

 1  Another six days' work is done,
    Another Sabbath is begun;
    Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest,
    Improve the day that God hath blest.

 2  O, that our thoughts and thanks may rise,
    As grateful incense, to the skies,
    And draw from heav'n that sweet repose
    Which none but he that feels it knows!

 3  A heavenly calm pervades the breast,
    The earnest of that glorious rest
    Which for the Church of God remains,
    The end of cares, the end of pains.

 4  With joy, great God, thy works we view,
    In various scenes, both old and new;
    With praise, we think on mercies past;
    With hope, we future pleasures taste.

 5  In holy duties let the day,
    In holy pleasures, pass away;
    How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend,
    In hope of one that ne'er shall end!  

NOTE: "retreat - a period of retirement or seclusion, especially one devoted
to religious contemplation away from the pressures of ordinary life."
Webster's New World Dictionary

According to Julian (A Dictionary of Hymnology) the original poem contained 14 verses. The ones we have here are all we have been able to locate. If you can furnish any additional verses we would be grateful.

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004