

A Migration Headache for Evolutionists!
A Whale of a Tale
Are Christians "Under The Law"?
Are There Worms In Hell That Never Die?
Believe it or Not…. The Bible Does Not Promise "Heaven"!
Betrayal and Forgiveness
Can God Die?
Can You Understand Bible Prophecy?
Christ in the Old Testament
Christmas...The Untold Story
Coming Soon! An Invasion From Space
Could Jesus Have Sinned?
Did God Use Evolution to Create Life?
Did God Create Adam?
Did Peter Have the Primacy?
Do You Have an Immortal Soul?
Europe and America in Prophecy
Evolution-The Big Lie of Evolutionists & Agnostics
Forgiveness, Buried Sins, and Spiritual Graves Robbers
Hallowe'en - What's It Really All About?
Heaven On Earth?
Here Is Why Many Deny God Exists
Here's The Best News You Could Ever Hear!
Hero Worship and Idolatry
How Seasonal Holy Days Reveal God's Plan
How To Have A Happy Marriage
How To Get Rid of Guilt
Is Armageddon Just Ahead?
Is Christ Angry with Television Evangelists?
Is Elijah in Heaven?
Is God A Mystery?
Is It a Sin to Observe Birthdays?
Is Lazarus In Heaven?
Is the Next Great Prophetic Event the Rapture of the Saints?
Is Water Baptism Required For Salvation?
Just What Do You Mean..."Born Again"?
Mideast Strife—Will It Lead To Armageddon?
Money- and the Judas Syndrome
Must You "Speak with Other Tongues" To Be Saved?
Must You be a "Member" of a Church to be Saved?
Must You Loathe Yourself To Become a Christian?
O God, Where Were You When I Needed You?
Only A Fool Says There Is No God
Salvation Through Jesus Christ - Is It As Simple as ABC?
Satan's Greatest Deception

Saved by Grace?

Should Christians Observe Easter or the Passover?
The Abomination of Desolation
The Answer to Unanswered Prayer
The Beast of the Apocalypse: What Is It?
The Church and the New World Order
The Gospel - A Message For The Next Millennium
The Great Tribulation ---- Is It About to Happen?
The Mark of the Beast What is it?
The Millennium: Will It Be Spent In Heaven or On the Earth?
The Miracle of Pentecost
The Passover - is it for Christians?
The Real Reasons Why Christ Came To This Earth
The Religion of Hate
The Ten Commandments
The Young Revolutionaries
To Mars & Beyond?-God Says No!
United States of Europe - When?
Violent Crime Can Be Stopped: Here's How!
Was God's Law In Force Before Sinai?
What Does God Say About Gays and Lesbians?
What Is God's Name?
What is the Kingdom of God?
What Is the Real Gospel?
What Is the Work of Elijah?
What Is Your Destiny?
When God Shakes the Earth!
When I die, What Happens Next?
When Kingdom of God Comes, What Becomes of the Children?
Where is the True Church?
Where is Your "Place of Safety"?
Who Are the 144,000?
Who, What Is the Beast of Revelation?
Why God Commands Our Presence at His Feast!
Why Keep Saturday for Sunday?
Why Kids Kill
Why Should You Repent
Why the Church?
Why Would A Christian Observe Hallowe'en?
Why You Were Born
Will a Temple Soon be Built in Jerusalem?
You Can Take It With You!
Your Place of Safety And the Philadelphian Church