
A WHALE of a Tale!

Evolutionists say all life began in the SEA! You and I, they say, began as a simple, one-celled organism which resulted from a "chance strike of lightning in a primordial soup of methane and ammonia!" Those simple cells ultimately became sponges, then fish, then mammals, which came ashore, climbed trees, and then some of them slithered back into the oceans to become toothed whales and dolphins! But some of them "branched out, " to become apes and eventually man! Is evolution true? For, if it is, then your Bible is nothing but a collection of ancient Hebrew fairy tales and myth! Here is a sometimes humorous look at the utter IMPOSSIBILITY of macro evolution, and how the fact of symbiosis; two or more totally different species living together, each dependent on the other, shows evolution to be nothing more than a ludicrous myth!

by Garner Ted Armstrong

When I have opportunity to return to the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, I always pause at a wind-swept, barren ridge overlooking a sand wash near the upper Vermillion River. The vista is breathtaking; Black Mountain, north of Craig, Colorado, over seventy miles away, stands out clearly from my 9,000 foot high vantage point.

I always stoop to examine the fossil-laden rocks beneath my boots. As my grandchildren have grown, I have usually pocketed a small number of the little, spiral-shaped pyramidellacea, fossil remains. Some are separate, most are jumbled together, their fossilized bodies composing the entire rock. They are a kind of snail which existed thousands of years previously when this region, now averaging about seven to ten thousand feet above sea level, was covered by shallow seas.

What are they doing here?

As everyone who has studied geology knows, the continent was once beneath the oceans. In the highest mountains are found fossil remains which once teemed in their millions beneath the waters of the sea. Yet, they were buried, suddenly, by some sort of gigantic catastrophe.

All over the world, the evidence is similar.

The famed "White Cliffs of Dover" are composed of the bodies of billions of shellfish, which, having been sorted according to sectional density, size, shape, and specific gravity, now appear as whitish chalk.

The little snails I find in Colorado were likewise sorted, then deposited according to specific gravity as mind-boggling waves once lashed this area, scouring the emerging mountain peaks, deeply carving them, depositing billions of tons of sediment atop each other as the tidal action caused by the moon caused the receding waters to ebb and flow.

As the centuries passed, and the tectonic plates groaned with the massive upheavals which thrust vast sections of the earth's crust upward, forming the Rocky Mountains, the sediment hardened, then sometimes bent, twisted, and broke. Some of them were ground over the top of others, and some were shoved vertically upward, like the cracking ice floes of the Arctic Ocean, to be subjected to thousands of years of sun, wind and rain, metamorphosing, changing shape and texture.

The beauty of those incredible upthrusts, synclines, isoclines, hogbacks, mountains and valleys is breathtaking. It is like a book, which can be read, when one pauses to study how these mountains were formed; to ask, "what was the ocean doing this far inland?" Could the Bible have anything to say about such geological phenomena?

All geologists must admit that the continents were once covered by the seas. Actually, these inundations and emergences of the land masses of our earth could have occurred any number of times. The Bible specifically points out at least two catastrophic occurrences:

(1) The Bible begins with the earth covered with the seas, in stygian blackness, with cloud cover so thick no sunlight could penetrate until the divine command, "Let there be light," and "Let the dry land appear" is given in Genesis, the first chapter. Therefore, according to scripture, there could have been a vast, indeterminate Period of time, even billions of years, during which the planet earth was covered with water.

(2) The Noachian deluge, a universal flood that destroyed all land animals except those contained in the ark, detailed in Genesis 6 and 7.

Gigantic catastrophes are anathema to evolutionists, except when they speculate about sudden "die offs," such as the disappearance of the dinosaur. Otherwise, they strenuously argue against sudden deposition of major layers of rock through massive floods—especially the flood of Noah's day, or the global flood depicted in the first chapter of Genesis.

"Uniformitarianism" Denies
The Existence of God

God's Word says "only the fool hath said in his heart, `There is no God!'" This world is filled with "educated" fools! As Paul wrote about the pagan philosophers and agnostics of his day, " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold [hold back; suppress; Greek kataballo] the truth in unrighteousness;

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them.

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made [the physical creation itself is testimony to God's creative power], even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:18-22). There are countless thousands of "educated fools" today. Smug in their supposed intellectual superiority, they make the most fantastic assumptions and quantum leaps in their ridiculous theory, denying the billions of tons of evidence right before their eyes. All of nature is like a textbook. The myriad creatures which inhabit this earth from the teeming seas to the fetid jungles of Sumatra or Brazil; from the largest creatures to the tiniest bacteria; all is testimony to God's majestic power; His creativity; that He is Life-giver, Creator, Designer, and Sustainer!

Though the entire world presents an obvious picture of massive catastrophes, evolutionists insist on gradual processes; "uniformitarianism" to suit their empty theories that all life forms evolved over interminable periods of time.

But the Rocky Mountains I have walked so many times display unimaginable catastrophes! So do the Swiss Alps; the Atlas Mountains, the Pyrenees, the Pamir Knot, the Himalayas, the Hindu-Kush, and the Andes. In most of the soaring peaks of our earth lie fossils which once dwelt in the sea!

Today, our seas still cover some 70 per cent of the crust of the earth. Now, just as they did thousands of years ago, they teem with life.

Generally, evolutionists speculate that all life began in the sea.

The oceans, then and now, are like a vast inextricably-linked web of life, or food chain, each part, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest whales forming but one link. Each is interrelated. Each is dependent upon all the others. The plain truth before our eyes is that all this chain of life had to be set in motion; had to become to be—to begin functioning—at the same moment in time. To fantasize that sponges became fish; fish grew legs and climbed trees; that some such "early mammals" slithered back into the seas and became whales; that whales then branched out into narwhals, humpbacks, pygmies, great blues, grey whales, and dolphins is absolutely ludicrous—a pure fantasy, and not remotely based upon either logic, or paleontological evidence.

Evolution is dealt a death blow once it can be proved that any one creature cannot exist without another, or several others; or, that any one creature exists for the sole purpose of contributing to, or directly aiding, supporting and providing for the existence of another creature—symbiosis!

Why? For the simple reason that if two completely different life forms can only survive in symbiotic relationship with the other, they both had to come into existence simultaneously!

Symbiosis: A Major Disproof of
Evolutionary Theory!

There are dozens and dozens of examples of symbiosis throughout our ecosystem. "Symbiosis" means "living together." Obviously, if two different species cannot exist unless they "live together," each one protecting, supporting, feeding, or contributing to the survival of the other, then they had to begin life at the same time, which demolishes the theory of evolution. The thousands of life forms in our oceans prove that, in addition to demonstrating symbiosis in the case of a number of widely disparate species—the entire ocean represents symbiotic life in unimaginably interlocking, interdependent form!

There is a pyramid of life in our oceans; a food chain from the bottom of the "pyramid," where tiny microorganisms, bacteria, diatoms, thousands of species of plants and animals exist, to the top, where whales, tuna, sharks and men harvest the ocean's bounty.

Not only is there a web of life in the sea, but the seas themselves make life possible for all land animals, including man.

Without them, the world's weather patterns would render major parts of the world, including places like Japan, Alaska, and the American Pacific Northwest, uninhabitable. The warm waters of the famed Japanese current are a major weather producer, a major source of vital food supplies, and the reason so many millions live in coastal regions affected by it.

Vast percentages of human beings absolutely depend upon life harvested from the seas for their existence.

Ecologists estimate that up to 70 percent of the oxygen available to all life on earth is produced by tiny diatoms in the seas!

Our oceans are like the land masses in one way; they are heavily populated with life in some areas, and like a vast, lifeless desert in others. "Rivers" in the ocean, or ocean currents, flow here and there in winding paths, not only controlling the world's weather, but continually exchanging the waters of the seas at different levels, bringing nutrients, affecting fish migrations, and even human migration, as was proved by Thor Heyerdhal's Kon Tiki.

Seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only about five percent of the ocean floor has been investigated. Astoundingly, it is estimated that about 5/6 of all life on earth lives within the upper, sunlit part of our seas.

Not only do the oceans regulate our weather patterns; bring monsoons and needed rains onto parched lands; supply man and sea creatures alike with a never-ending supply of nutrients—not only is life on the land only possible because of our oceans—the oceans themselves present to our view a little-known, interdependent, web of life or "food chain" which is indispensable to life in the seas, and all over the earth!

The vast majority of life in the seas is not represented by the food fishes, like tuna, haddock, sardines and the like, but by microscopic life, never seen by the human eye! Up to 99% of all life in the sea is microscopic!

This type of life is called "plankton." It was given its name by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel, who called all the myriad life forms floating near the surface of both fresh water lakes and the seas "plankton." Plankton consists of both plant and animal life.

In the seas, plankton is made up of both adult and young animals, larvae, jellyfish, tunisates, protozoans of all kinds, diatoms, bacteria, blue-green algae, red algae; a myriad of life forms feeding on each other, or existing in symbiosis.

Bottom-dwelling plants and crustacea release larvae which is free-swimming for a time, and which also form a part of the "plankton." Even some of the plants have spores which are free-swimming, and have their own means of locomotion.

The Red Sea is named for the reddish algae which gives it its color. When observing "phosphorescence" in the waves, or wakes of ships, one is seeing millions of medusae, worms, and young crustacea, like shrimp, whose tiny bodies give off a strange, greenish-white glow.

Plankton generally lives within the top 100 feet of ocean water. This prodigious amount of hundreds of different forms of life makes up the base of the pyramid; is at the very bottom of the food chain in the sea. Because various fish and animals "graze" on this vast, pulsating, living group of organisms, plankton is sometimes called "the grass of the sea."

But why is it that the world's largest creature, the great blue whale, should feed on the smallest creatures? Observing the gigantic bodies and huge heads of a blue whale, one would assume they would be feeding on fat seals, dolphins, tuna; large numbers of very large fish! But no, instead, they are specially equipped to sift krill, the myriad kinds of tiny crustacea, fish and squid, including jellyfish, which in turn feed on plankton, from the water!

Just how, why, and when did the need to survive by eating krill occur to cause the great blue whale and all the other baleen whales to gradually develop baleen, replacing their huge teeth for strange-looking bristly curtains hanging down in their mouths?

Was it because all other forms of life in the sea suddenly disappeared? No? Then, if there were always plenty of fish in the sea—huge fish such as basking sharks, smaller whales, dolphins, marlin, and tuna, not to mention otters, seals, and many kinds of diving birds—what gave impetus to these huge creatures to "gradually" develop their "baleen" so they could sift the "krill" that feeds on plankton from huge gulps of sea water? It is seemingly a law of nature that, the larger the organism, the fewer number, and the smaller the organism, the larger number. At the bottom of the food chain lives uncounted trillions of microscopic life forms, each contributing to all the others; all of them providing food for the very smallest of the fishes and crustacea, which provide food for the larger fish and crustacea, which provide food for the very largest fish, which provides food for man.

To illustrate: the diatoms in the sea, which help provide oxygen for all mammals to breathe, make up about three fifths of all plankton. When provided the right amount of sunlight, diatoms can grow and divide at the rate of at least once each day. That means that only one little diatom could multiply to produce up to 200 billion cells in about a month. Once one understands the purpose for the diatoms, one begins to understand why such prodigious numbers.

Tiny ocean animals called "copepods" may consume as many as 120,000 diatoms each day. Herring then eat the copepods. In the belly of one herring were found 60,000 of them!

"Photosynthesis" and The
"Chemists Of The Seas"

Diatoms synthesize food from a combination of sunlight and sea water. How? When? When did the very first little diatom "learn" to perform such a miraculous feat? How and when did the first mindless little diatom produce sugars and starches—the bread of all life—from "photosynthesis"? Of all photosynthesis which takes place on earth, about 70 percent takes place in the sea!

As a ballpark figure, yearly land production of sugars and starches within the cells of plants amounts to about 40 billion tons. But in the sea, the estimates soar to within 80 to 160 billion tons—at least twice as much; perhaps three times as much production as on the land.

What really is this "photosynthesis"?

The miraculous substance of the process is chlorophyll.

Paul Zahl, writing for National Geographic, admitted, "This miraculous substance plays the key role in enabling plants to combine sunlight and chemicals into nourishment for themselves and into food for other living things. Just as land animals graze on earth-bound plants, and in turn become meals for flesh eaters, so marine life pyramids on the one-celled "grasses of the sea." (National Geographic, Feb. 1961, "How The Sun Gives Life To The Sea," Paul A. Zahl, p. 200).

Astonishingly, this process is so amazing, so complicated (writers speak of it as a "miracle") that the same author said, "So sensitive are the processes these organisms achieve in the creation of lifestuff from the ocean's raw materials that they put man's attainments as a chemist to shame. They [diatoms] use elements in such tiny traces that man, until recently, could not detect their existence!" (Ibid. p. 202). How ironic that, when man finally succeeded in detecting the existence of diatoms and the elements they utilize, he still could not "detect" the great Creator God who CREATED all that is, even though the evidence was right there under their microscopes!

Which came first, plankton, in all its myriad forms, or the fish which feed upon it? What did herring, anchovies, sardines, smelt, and hundreds of other varieties of small fish feed upon before the myriad forms of other life, producing plankton, "evolved"?

Obviously, the fish and their food sources all had to come into existence at the same time, just as all the flowering plants and the bees and insects that pollinate them had to do the same!

Two main factors control the growth of life in our oceans; the amount of sunlight available for photosynthesis, and the amount of nutrients contained in seawater. If both are not in perfect balance, plankton cannot survive. And if plankton cannot survive, all the fish, from tiny little anchovies to huge blue whales, cannot survive. And if the entire food chain in the seas does not survive, we humans do not survive!

Like a vast interdependent organism, our seas and all life upon the earth are inextricably interwoven, forming an intricate, symbiotic "web of life," or "food chain" which sustains all life everywhere. This is precisely what Paul meant in the scripture in Romans 1!

This pyramid of life, dependent upon many things, such as available sunlight, temperatures at various ocean depths, and ocean currents, is like a complex chain. If only one of its links were missing, disaster would occur in the form of no plankton. That would mean all life in the sea would die.

One oceanographer wrote, "Death and decomposition complete the cycle [of life in the seas]. The organic material of both plants and animals is subjected to bacterial decay which releases again the carbon, phosphorous, and nitrogen needed for photosynthesis—all of which beings us back to where we came in." In other words, the circle is closed; the chain is complete—life requires other forms of life to survive! Symbiosis again, which is absolutely fatal to the theory of evolution.

One evolutionist was truly puzzled over plankton. He had no idea which kind of creature, in a cyclical form of life like the "Salps" [no, this is not an unkind reference to evolutionists!], or one of the Tunicate groups of plankton, was the parent, and which was the child.

"Take the Salps. When the eggs hatch and the young grow up, they are different animals from their parents—so much so, in fact, that they were originally described as a different species. What is more, this second generation does not lay eggs. Instead, it grows a long chain of buds, which finally break off to grow up into the egg-laying generation again.

"The situation is about the same as if a greyhound had puppies which turned out to be dachshunds, and these dachshunds grew extremely long tails which broke off and grew into greyhounds. Absurd as it sounds, this is what happens, and which are we to call the parent of which? (National Geographic, July 1952, Hilary B. Moore, pp. 54, 55, emphasis mine).

Yes, evolutionists continually encounter dizzying problems, unfathomable conundrums, amazing puzzles, and dumbfounding anomalies. But, undaunted, they continue to espouse their "no God" theories, and have succeeded in saturating all education and studies of nature with them.

How do evolutionists EXPLAIN the amazing Salps? Which came first, are we to suppose? The eggs? The long chain of buds? The second "egg-laying generation"? To suppose such questions and thousands like them were answered long ago in a courtroom trial known as the "Scopes Trial," and that evolutionists have the remotest evidence for their mindless theory is to believe that dachshunds' tails do indeed break off, and become greyhounds! It is to believe that explosions in print shops create one-hundred volume encyclopedias; that fine Swiss watches spontaneously generate from cattle offal; that your mind came from "green slime," or "polka-dotted air bubbles in the sea!"

If evolutionists had not become so deeply entrenched in this world's educational systems, they would be like carnival side-show barkers; like the snake medicine shamans of the American West.

Why Do Great Blue Whales Feed On
Tiny Microorganisms?

A mind-boggling question for evolutionists is how, when, and why the largest creatures known to man, the great blue whales, together with all other "baleen" whales, like the right whale, humpback, Pacific grey, finback, sei, pygmy right, and bowhead whales began eating krill, instead of large fish!

Consider the great blue whale. Attaining a length of one third that of a football field, or about 100 feet, it weighs 150 tons, and is much, much larger than the largest dinosaurs or the largest elephants. Yet, it has no teeth! Instead, horny plates, festooned with curtain-like fringes of bristles, called "baleen," hang down from two rows on the whale's upper jaw. With these bristles, the huge monster swims through clouds of krill, which is a catch-all name for the tiny fish, crustacea and jellyfish or squid that feed on plankton. The whale swims with its mouth open, then, having collected hundreds of krill on its bristly baleen, it presses its tongue against its upper jaw, forcing out the sea water, leaving the krill to be swallowed.

The great blue whale must consume from one half to one and one half tons of krill every day! A new baby great blue whale will weigh about three tons, and be about twenty three feet in length. Its mother must devour tons of food to feed the calf hundreds of pounds of milk each day!

Why? Isn't it a logical, obvious supposition that this largest of all mammals would eat other fish—and the very largest fish, at that? Sperm whales, attaining a length of 65 feet and weighing 60 tons, do just that! So do all the "toothed whales," including the killer whale, giant bottle-nosed whales, and the Narwhal, the famed "unicorn of the sea."

Major problem for evolutionists! All whales are mammals, after all. They are warm-blooded, air- breathing mammals, which bear their young alive! They inhabit common regions of our oceans! Since evolution demands that some basic, natural "force," such as the "survival of the fittest" must be the precursor of all evolutionary change and adaptation, how is it that many kinds of whales feed on fish, seals, and other whales, while the great blues and several others of the largest whales feed on krill?

The only reason for the great blues to feed on krill would be that they had to do so in order to survive! But WHY? Where was the need? Were not all the other toothed whales swimming along, feeding on the hundreds of species of fish? Had all the fish suddenly disappeared?

Impossible! Why? Because the fish had to have a food source, such as copepods and plankton! Larger fish had to have a food source, such as anchovies, alewives, cigar minnows, smelt, sardines, crustacea, squid, and jellyfish! And all the large fish provided food for even larger fish, such as all the varieties of tuna, marlin, sailfish, wahoo, barracuda, mackerel, and bonito.

Let me pause to illustrate this vitally important point! Many times, I have seen woodpeckers here in East Texas swoop down onto the ground, and eat bugs and insects! I have witnessed the beautiful red-headed woodpeckers snatching up grasshoppers within only a few yards of where I was standing. Do you get the point? In other words, the woodpeckers never had the need to develop those special "ice-tong" kind of toes with which to grip the bark; never had the need to develop their long, barbed tongue with which to snake into the holes they peck in tough old oaks and hickories to extract grubs; never had to develop their special hearing to detect the grubs beneath the bark; never had to develop their special jack-hammer neck and head muscles so they didn't break their beaks and sprain their necks every time they tried to bang a hole in an oak tree! They could have remained ground feeders all the time! So it is that there was never a need for the baleen whales to develop their unique skirt-like filter systems!

To suppose the blue whales evolved baleen so they could filter out the smallest creatures in the sea, when the whales are the largest, simply does not make sense. There is a delicate, wondrous balance in our ecosystem; a balance in the sea. That the whales are there to contribute to this balance should be obvious to anyone.

Why wouldn't a huge creature like a great blue whale simply swim right on through a hundred acres of krill, looking for a big fish to eat? After all, killer whales do. They ignore krill and plankton. Their teeth are not suited for filtering, and they would burn up entirely too much energy chasing about after tiny, nearly microscopic morsels, when they can gulp down a big seal!

Think about it. The very first time a great blue whale got it into its head that it wanted to begin eating krill, it needed the baleen to catch it. Therefore, it could not eat krill until it had the baleen. But if it had only rudimentary teeth, or even no teeth at all, it could still have survived nicely, by gulping down dolphins, sharks, and seals.

If it was "surviving" with some other method of food-getting instead of baleen, then it didn't need the baleen.

If a great blue needed to eat krill in order to survive, but didn't have baleen, then it starved to death, and there aren't any great blue whales, or other baleen whales today.

But there are.

Therefore, the very first time in history that a baleen whale began catching krill, it had to be successful! By the same token, the very first time a toothed whale attempted to catch and eat food, it had to be successful!

It is obvious to any logical, thinking person, that such incredibly complex, perfectly designed creatures as great blue whales were the product of a Great Designer, and not the end result of eons and eons of " evolution" and "survival of the fittest."

God's Word says, "And God [Elohim] said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life... and God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth..." (Genesis 1:20, 21).

No living thing lives or dies unto itself. Diatoms and plants produce oxygen. Animals and whales breathe oxygen, and give off carbon dioxide. Plants must have carbon dioxide in order to live, just as animals and man must have oxygen.

Which came first? Carbon dioxide, or oxygen? Plants, or animals and man? How marvelous that this process; this interchange between plants and animals, maintains a very stable supply of both carbon dioxide and oxygen!

In the sea, tiny diatoms, producing oxygen, are food for copepods. Copepods may eat 120,000 diatoms each day. Herring eat copepods. Herring may eat 60,000 copepods each day. Various kinds of plankton (and there are myriad forms), breeding, eating, swimming, migrating, reproducing, form food for many kinds of crustacea and fish. It requires about 1,000 pounds of krill to produce 100 pounds of fish. A seal may gain 10 pounds by eating 100 pounds of fish. A killer whale may gain one pound by eating 10 pounds of seals. Thus, killer whales, and man, stand at the very pinnacle of the incredibly complex, interdependent web of life in the sea—the so-called "food chain."

An anomaly in all this is the great blue whale. While it may require 10,000 pounds of plankton to cause a killer whale to gain only one pound, the great blue whale can gain one pound from only 100 pounds of krill.

A man, at the top of the food chain, requires that the sea produce five tons of living organisms to provide the man with one pound of weight gain. But the great blue whale feeds at the bottom of the food chain; feeding on krill! Why?

Life in the seas, as on land, exists in a continuous cycle. Each form of life contributes in some way to the survival of all other forms. Each fits its own niche in an amazingly complex, interdependent, symbiotic web of life, from tiny, microscopic life to huge whales!

Therefore, the entire food chain, including the interaction between animals and plants involving oxygen and carbon dioxide, had to come into existence at the same time!

The Weird Tale Of
Woeful Willy, The Whale

Somewhere, somehow, according to evolutionists, in the very remote, distant, far reaches of time—no, back, back, back—much further back than that—there was the driving force present in nature to "cause" the baleen whales, such as the great blue whale, earth's largest creature, to begin to develop those huge skirt-like appendages hanging down from their mouths, so they could filter out all that krill. At least, this is what evolutionists would like to have us believe. It is not true, of course, but millions of unsuspecting students have been taught "evolution" from their earliest years in school.

Obviously, since these "protowhales" must have had some kind of teeth previously, and since their food source must have been threatened, or disappearing, there was some very gradual, subtle "need" for them to ingest krill, which feeds on plankton, instead of attacking schools of tuna, salmon, or cod!

Had all the tuna, salmon and cod disappeared? No, of course not. For, if they had, then we would not be eating tuna, salmon, and cod today, and nations would not be squabbling over long liners, commercial fishermen, purse seiners, and native Indian rights!

Furthermore, since there are many varieties of toothed whales, such as the giant bottlenose, the "killer" whales, belugas, dolphins and others, who were "surviving" by eating their regular fare of seals, penguins, tuna, snapper, cod, mackerel, and dozens of other varieties, there was never really a "need" for any such huge creatures as great blue wales to develop some method of entrapping krill.

Enter Woeful Willy, the whale. Willy has decided to become the very FIRST great blue whale to swim with his mouth open through those clouds of funny-looking little microscopic creatures which had always gotten into his eyes when he was pursuing a fat hair seal beneath the ice floes in the arctic.

But Woeful Willy has teeth, just like all the other toothed whales all about him! Never mind! In order to cause his teeth to "gradually" shrink, and in order for all that "whale bone" to develop in his huge mouth, together with the myriad little branches called "baleen," he must begin practicing feeding on krill!

Somehow, he knows he must teach this new desire of his (all the other whales thought he was crazy, to swim right on by a huge school of sockeye salmon, and chase after a bunch of little tiny crustacea!) to his offspring. Offspring? But wait! There is no FEMALE great blue whale yet, and so Woeful Willy has no way to reproduce! Obviously, since whales mate in the same way as all other mammals, the male whale and the female whale had to come into existence at the same time! Reproduction: that life reproduces "after its kind" is another insurmountable problem for evolution!

Shrugging off this insurmountable difficulty, Woeful Willy continues to plunge around in the ocean, huge mouth gaping with its rows of big ivory-colored teeth, trying to swallow millions of gallons of seawater every week, hoping the krill he ingests will gradually cause some baleen to develop in his mouth.

Soon, waterlogged with all that seawater, and with only a few ounces to provide food, Woeful Willy begins to lose hundreds of pounds a day. Soon, he dies of starvation! Therefore, great blue whales do not exist!

But they do! Therefore, Woeful Willy MUST have "gradually" been successful in snaring enough krill to keep him alive, right? Wrong! This would be analogous to we humans suddenly "deciding" we need to become insect catchers to "survive!" With all kinds of foods around us; meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts; a plethora of foods including beef, chicken, fish, root crops, grains, and even fungi, we "decide" we will pass up all this food (like "Woeful Willy" passing up all those salmon, seals, penguins and tuna!), and run about with our mouths open, trying to snag mosquitos, flies, gnats, grasshoppers, moths, and all kinds of flying insects! For years, no, decades, we run about, mouths open, snapping at flies and gnats! We soon fall to the ground in utter exhaustion! We needed to eat FOOD to survive! Instead, here we are, gaping mouths, tottering legs, flailing arms, wild-eyed, trying to snatch insects from the air! Does this cause, over a period of "billions of years" and "countless aeons of time" some funny-looking "baleen" to begin growing in our mouths, replacing our teeth?

Unable to catch a single gnat (how much nutrition IS there in a gnat?), we drop from exhaustion, and die. We keep dying, until there is not a single human left alive! But why not "evolution in REVERSE?" What "law" is there which demands that we abandon our primary food source, and, running right through a field of spinach, underneath peach trees laden with fruit, right through a herd of Angus steers, we keep on stumbling around, trying to catch gnats with our mouths open? Why not, instead, just give up on the gnats and flies when we fall down in a carrot patch, pluck up a nice Nantes carrot, rub off the dirt, and use those gleaming rows of teeth to eat it?


After all, for thousands of years, Jewish boys have been circumcised eight days after birth! One would think there would be at least a HINT that "evolution" is making SOME progress after all that time!

But there goes Woeful Willy, the biggest creature in the seas, swimming right past huge schools of fat tuna, trying to snag little microorganisms; tiny crustacea, "krill," on his teeth!

All the belugas, killer whales, great bottle-nosed whales, dolphins and pilot whales squeal in derision at Woeful Willy's antics, watching him charging along, with his mouth open, but NO BALEEN! Obviously, if Willy was to be successful in gradually developing the baleen in his mouth, so he could snag between one and one and a half TONS of krill each day, he HAD TO HAVE THAT BALEEN IN PLACE THE VERY FIRST TIME HE FED ON KRILL!

But this would mean Willy was CREATED, just as God SAYS he was, and not that he "evolved" the ability to strain krill out of seawater!

Think of the kinds of whales there are, and of their unique methods of food-getting, birthing, and survival! Like all mammals, whales are born ALIVE! By what strange inborn instinct does the baby whale "decide" to swim immediately to the surface and take its first breath? When the baby is born, it then swims beneath its mother to nurse. But, unlike other mammals, the mother whale must pump her milk into her baby's mouth! She has no external "breasts," or paps. Instead, she has special muscles around her mammary glands which ejects her fat-rich milk into her baby's mouth!

When was the first baby whale born? Why was it born tail first, when the shape of its body would indicate it would far more efficient to eject the bullet-shaped baby head first? But then, IF it were born head first, it would drown before it could surface to breathe! And when did the first whale PAIR surface?

How did both sexes "evolve" together? Attempting to explain the marvelous and majestic whales of our oceans by "evolution" is utterly ludicrous!

All Life Contributes To All
Other Life — a "Web Of Life"

It can be shown, in literally thousands upon thousands of cases, that life cannot exist without the direct aid, contribution, or protection of another form, or many other forms, of life! The examples of symbiosis, or life which is dependent upon other forms of life, are so prodigious they could fill the shelves of a large library with books detailing them.

Consider only a few more, in addition to the whales.

Divers know about the stinging tentacles of a jellyfish called the "Portuguese man o' war." This strange creature obtains its food by spreading out transparent-like tentacles into the water surrounding its jelly-like body. When fish swim into the tentacles, they are immediately paralyzed by a powerful poison. Swimmers who encounter them may have angry-looking strings of very painful welts raised where the poison penetrated their skin.

Yet, the little fish called "Nomeus," swims about amidst the poisonous tentacles, careful to avoid them with its body. Yet, it subsists on a steady diet of man o' war tentacles, by nipping them off, then storing them in a special pouch behind its mouth which neutralizes the poisonous stinging cells before they pass on into the Nomeus' stomach! How? When?

The very first time a Nomeus swam about amidst the tentacles; the very first time it nipped off a bite, it had to already somehow know it should not become entangled in them with its body; it had to already possess its pouch for a detoxification chamber; it had to already know it had to process this dangerous food, or it did not survive.

But both of them are here.

Therefore, they both came into being at the same time!

Larger fish, seeing the little Nomeus, attempt to attack it, and become enmeshed within the stinging tentacles. The Nomeus acts like a lure to other fish, thus aiding the man o' war. The man o' war gives the Nomeus a steady supply of tentacles, growing new ones as it has need! A nice arrangement.

How did the "man o' war" know it had to have stinging tentacles? Apply the same logic to the method by which this mindless jellyfish "knew" it needed to sting its prey to death. Confusing, isn't it? Evolution, I mean.

Prior to developing stinging tentacles, innocent "Portuguese men o' peace" (so named, because, naturally, they did not yet have any method to sting their prey to death), floated, jerked, wafted and slithered about, hoping for food. But, having no food-getting method; allowing dozens of varieties of fish to not only swim about among their jelly-like tentacles, but having those fish feeding on their tentacles, the very first "Portuguese men o' peace" quickly disappeared, since they had not yet learned to become "Portuguese men o' WAR!"

They had no protection. They had no sting in their tentacles. How to ensnare food?

As the non-surviving progeny of the nonexistent jellyfish somehow noticed that they no longer existed they decided they needed to develop a powerful poison, and send it out to their nonexistent tentacles.

Finally, after millions and millions of years of non-survival, they learned to survive! Eureka! Poisonous tentacles!

Such are the fantasies of evolutionists. They dream. They speculate. They fantasize. They postulate. They guess. They hope. They "believe."

But few of them would admit they are believing, NOT, as the Bible believer does, in the evidence before their eyes about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, and all life upon it, but in guesswork, impossibility, fantasy, dreams, and a dogged determination to REJECT God, and any knowledge of His purpose for human life!

"Clowning Around Amid
Poisonous Tentacles"

Another striking example of symbiosis is the colorful species of "clownfish," named for their garish stripes and colors, and the sea anemone. Sea anemones appear as beautiful, translucent, flowering plants, yet are "animals," with stinging tentacles, a mouth, and a disgestive system. When small fish swim into contact with the tentacles they are immediately stunned by means of a poison which the anemone manufactures, then slowly worked by the movement of the tentacles toward the mouth, in the center of the plant-like creature. There are dozens of varieties of anemones, and many varieties of clownfish.

Clownfish have chosen for their "homes" the stinging tentacles of sea anemones. They cuddle down inside them, nestling like a baby in its mother's arms, safe from attack by predators. Strangely, the presence of the clownfish; its constant contact with dozens of the poisonous tentacles, causes no response from the anemone. Each tentacle seems to "sense" that the fish swimming about among the waving arms of the anemone does not represent food. They do not suddenly shrink, or grab the fish, or start moving it toward the mouth.

Each year, tens of thousands of visitors to the coast lands of America's Pacific Northwest venture out onto the rocks left exposed at low tide. There, they can view hundreds of beautiful green "sea roses," a kind of sea anemone. I have oftentimes fed the sea roses by breaking open a mussel, extracting its body, and dropping it onto the tentacles of the sea rose. Instantly, in a spasmodic jerk, the tentacles grab the meat, and the sea rose begins to contract, and close around its prey.

I have placed my finger gently against the center of dozens of tiny sea roses. It is much like placing your finger against adhesive tape, for you feel a stickiness, the tiny little barbs on the tentacles, which instantly close, either in a protective movement, or as a means of ensnaring prey.

Anemones can be found at considerable depths, in an amazing variety of sizes, shapes, and incredibly beautiful colors.

Often, one can find clownfish, wriggling, cuddling, nestling deep within the swaying tentacles of the anemone. I shall never forget the beautiful clownfish and the brightly-colored anemones I saw about fifteen feet down on the edge of a reef when I was snorkeling in the Red Sea. How did this happen? Could it have all "evolved"? When did the first clownfish attempt to live within the embrace of deadly poison tentacles? When did the first ancient anemone somehow know the clownfish did not represent food, but, instead, a food source?

You see, laboratory experiments have proved that a clownfish will gather far more food than it needs, like a farmer harvesting a crop, and deposit it within the tentacles of the anemone! We fed frozen shrimp to clownfish in a saltwater tank. They ascended to the surface from their home among the stinging tentacles of the anemone, grabbed the shrimp, and returned to the anemone, depositing it on the tentacles of their host. The other fish in the tank gobbled up the shrimp instantly, feeding in a frenzy. Not the clownfish. Only after they made repeated trips, and seemed satisfied that there was more than enough food for both the fish and the anemone did the fish begin leisurely eating its meal!

Why? When? How did all this begin? Dare we apply LOGIC to the ridiculous theories of evolution?

Let your imagination go back, back, into the distant reaches of the past when the very first clownfish had "evolved." It swam up to the very first anemone, and, stupidly, decided to cuddle down inside its stinging tentacles to hide from a passing grouper. Zap! The clownfish stiffened in shock, completely immobilized by a powerful poison! The sticky, barbed-like tentacles began slowly moving the dying clownfish toward the mouth of the anemone, where it slowly disappeared, being digested by the plant-like creature.

So the first clownfish to ever attempt living in a poisonous environment died. So there are no surviving clownfish today. With their brilliant colors, striped cheekpieces, comparitive slow speed and playful antics, they were easy prey for barracuda, groupers, sea bass, ling cod, sharks, calico bass, and snappers. So why didn't they simply "evolve" camouflage, like so many other fish, and disappear into the sand? Instead, they attempted to cuddle down into poisonous tentacles!

When, how, did the first anemone develop poison? How did the first anemone feeling a little fish (anemones have no eyes) suddenly come in contact with its tentacles say to itself, "This fish will probably go and get me some food—better let it alone, and see what happens?"

Evolutionists have no answer for symbiosis; one creature living in perfect cooperation with another, and each of them interdependent! Like the fantastic web of life in the sea, a vast food chain of interdependency, the web of life on land operates in the same way. Nothing lives or dies to itself. Each plays a part in a gigantic, intricate, incredibly complex living organism. Bees pollinate the flowering trees, grasses, shrubs and plants as they gather nectar to produce honey. Bears, other animals and man, as well as the bees themselves, feed on the honey. The plants are pollinated, so they can reproduce. Animals and man eat the plants. Animals and men give off carbon dioxide. The plants synthesize it, producing oxygen. Men and animals breathe oxygen. A nice arrangement. Which came first, the bees, or the flowering plants?

You live in an age which unlike any other age in all history, possesses the tools of investigation, experimentation, magnification; the tools of science, which should be THRILLING the average layman with the marvels of God's great creation on a daily basis!

Instead, what do you find?

You find that every television documentary about the marvels of animals and fish is saturated with evolution. The unanswerable questions asked in this brochure are never addressed.

The faith of evolutionists is marvelous to behold. A faith in vain, empty theory, not a faith based upon fact.

God says you can PROVE His existence "by the things which are made"—by looking at His creation (Romans 1:20). If you look past the mindless statements of evolutionists, you can see the proofs of God in every single wildlife documentary you have ever watched!

God's marvelous creation is breathtaking PROOF of His existence!

God is CREATOR. He is Lifegiver, Designer, Sustainer, and the RULER over all His creation. Soon, now, and His Son and our Savior, our soon-coming King of Kings, Jesus Christ, will rend the heavens and descend to this earth! At that moment, there will not be a single evolutionist, anywhere! All men will come to know God!




This publication is intended to be used as a personal study tool. Please know it is not wise to take any man's word for anything, including ours, so prove all things for yourself from the pages of your own Bible. Because your salvation is between you and God, it is through such personal verification that you will gain confidence and come to know for yourself what is truth.

For additional related knowledge and understanding,
may we suggest the following titles:

Did God use Evolution to create life

Did God Create Adam?

A Migration Headache for Evolutionists!

The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association
P.O. Box 747
Flint, TX 75762
Phone: (903) 561-7070 • Fax: (903) 561-4141


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freely given by Christians and co-workers who are dedicated to preaching the gospel according to Jesus Christ.