Co-Worker Letters of Herbert W. Armstrong

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor edior, Herbert W. Armstring, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible The Radio CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.

September 13, Why Keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

February 14, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol II No. 1, Bible Study Quarterlies, 10 Daily Questions, Beverly's Wedding.
May 14, letter, work of faith, secretary hired.
August 13, letter, 18-day fast, desperate crisis.
December 24, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol II No. 3, State of God's Work, American in Peril of Captivity & Slavery.

November 6, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol III No. 6, 15,000 copies of "United States in Prophecy" printed; five baptized.
December 23, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol III No. 7, KXL Radio 750 Portland; Why We Use News Analysis on Broadcasts.

February 16, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol IV No. 1, Explanation and History of the Work, Warning the Nation.
April 20, The Good News Letter No. 2, Traveling to add radio stations; growing the work in spite of opposition.
June 8, The Good News Letter No. 2, How to Figure Pentecost.
June 9, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, 25,000 copies of Plain Truth go out, 2 months late.
July 20, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol IV No. 4, World Tomorrow Threatened to be Taken Off the Air.
September 3, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol IV No. 6, More Stations Added; Plain Truth Needs to be More Frequent.
October 29, letter, 35,000 copies of Plain Truth ready to print.

January 19, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol V No. 1, What's Going to Happen in 1944? More Ware Ahead.
March 20, Good News Letter No. 3, Days of Holy Days, 1944. Why Should We Have Churches?
March 24, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol V No. 3, New Coast-to-Coast Network Opens to Us. What is Prophesied for Now -- Captivity of Our People
May 20, Letter, Three Weeks' Daily Broadcasting from Des Moines.
August 21, Letter, Eleven Days Fasting at the Beach, Slackening in Money Donated.
September 21, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol V No. 4, Shall We Now Carry the Gospel to Other Nations? The Great Apostasy.
October 27, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol V No. 5, World Tomorrow on 100,000 Watt Station; Your Mission as Well as Mine.

1945 Good News Letter, Beautiful Secluded Mountain Resort Taken Over for Feast of Tabernacles.
February 26, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VI No. 2, 150,000 Watt Super Power Station XELO. Request for Offerings.
April 5, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VI No. 3, What This Crisis in Euripe Means. Kingdom Bible Study Quarterly.
August 23, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VI No. 5, Marvelous Post War Opportunities Open Suddenly. New Age Dawns at San Francisco, Atomic Bomb. State of Work.
October 3, Good News Letter No. 3, Report of Feast of Tabernacles at Belknap Springs.
November 20, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol V No. 7, Interest Growing to Purchase Our Own 250,000 Watt Radio Station. Plain Truth About Christmas Booklet
December 28, Letter, Urgent Request for Funds.

January 17, Letter, Enlarged Double-Sized Plain Truth. Plans for Amabassador College.
March 12, Letter, Emergency Letter.
May 17, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VII No. 1, Every Night Broadcasts Through the Summer. Summer Baptizing Tour.
May 31, Letter, Work Outgrows Eugene, Plans to Move to Pasadena, Calif.
August 13, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VII No. 3, On Baptizing Tour.
September 25, Letter, Return from 14,000-mile nationwide baptizing tour; work needs $5,000 at once.
November 4, Letter, Problems in staying on the air.
November 29, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VII No. 6, Plain Truth 110,000 copies; Divorce & Remarriage article to be printed; Ambassador College to start.

January 9, Letter, Walter Dillon.
January 29, Letter, Possibility of Ambassador College in Europe -- Switzerland.
February 19, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VIII No. 1, The Next Seven Years, What's Ahead.
April 7, Letter, Return from Trip to Europe; preaching Gospel to Europe.
May 7, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VIII No. 2, Gospel Must Now Go to Whole World.
June 9, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VIII No. 3, True Gospel; Ambassador College staff ready.
July, Letter, Crisis in the Work.
August 4, Our Co-Workers' Bulletin, Vol VIII No. 4, Ambassador College vital to God's Work.
September 3, Letter, Feast of Tabernacles at Belknap Springs.
October 29, Letter, Ambassador College starts on October 8.
December 8, Letter, America Headed to Destruction.
December 31, Letter, God will save us from this financial plight.

January 29, Letter, We have only a few years left; letters from listeners.

Special Passover Issue:
March 13, 1961


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