OUR Co-Workers'
VOL. V. Number 3 March 24, 1944
Published every little while to keep our Co-workers
informed of the programs, the problems, and the
future plans for carrying on God's Work in these
closing days of this age; ---broadcasting "The WORLD
TOMORROW," publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and
other Gospel literature. **HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG,
Box 111, Eugene, Ore.
Hollywood, Calif.--again I am writing from Hollywood.
I am on the way to San Antonio, Texas, and Des Moines, Iowa, for a
series of broadcasts--broadcasting daily from Des Moines for three
weeks. I have stopped off here just long enough to make contacts
and tentative arrangements for sending "The WORLD TOMORROW" program
out over the newly formed A.B.C. net-work, Coast to Coast!
I have written you before, thru the BULLETIN, about the
pressure being brought by powerful economic-religious interests in
New York, thru the existing broadcast chains, to force all true
gospel preaching off the air. N.B.C., the BLUE net-work, and
C.B.S., refuse to sell any of their time for religious programs.
And finally MUTUAL sent notices of cancellation, effective this
coming September, to all those broadcasting religious programs
over their facilities. It now appears probable MUTUAL will
continue to carry one or two of their present programs, but only
prior to 10:A.M. Sunday mornings. Further than that, religious
preaching of any kind is barred from all the big chains.
I have ben warning our Co-Workers that prophecy reveals
plainly we are nearing the time when there shall be a FAMINE of
hearing the Word of the Lord preached! The powers that be in this
world will forbid it. Our days for proclaiming the last WARNING
MESSAGE for this hour are numbered! But, as I have pointed out,
Satan will be utterly unable to shut off the privilege of
proclaiming God's Message until GOD'S PURPOSE IS FULFILLED, and
this last warning Message has gone!
And so just when it appeared Satan had succeeded in
shutting off all possibility of getting the Message with the LOUD
SHOUT of radio into homes in every nook and corner of this
continent, a NEW AVENUE is opened to us!
A new Coast-to-Coast net work is now forming--the
Associated Broadcasting Corporation--to be known as the A.B.C.
So far as large bulk contracts are concerned, or three hundred
stations, including the small-power station in the smaller cities
and towns all over the country, this new net-work will be about
three times as expensive as MUTUAL has been, at least until the
new net-work is better established, since MUTUAL offered bulk
discounts up to 60 and 75%--and the new net-work offers no net-
work discount whatever. However, for our purpose, the cost will
probably be little if any more than MUTUAL, and the new net-work
has advantages of pliability and wider range of latitude in
selecting the exact stations our purposes require. We can use a
very few stations at first, adding others as we are able. And
the new net-work is very friendly toward religious broadcasts!
This is a DIRECT ANSWER TO PRAYER! Just as existing
doors were closed, God has opened wide a BETTER ONE for our
Here, then, are the plans for carrying out the most
important commission in the world today! First, to get The PLAIN
TRUTH on a more regular and dependable basis. It has simply out-
grown the facilities of the printing company in Eugene, and due to
this and war-time difficulties, we have encountered delay after
delay. Plans have been made to have it printed, after the issue
now on the press, in Portland in a large establishment which
specializes in printing a number of magazines and trade-papers.
And we plan, God willing, to have it come out regularly, on a
definite date, monthly or bi-monthly, beginning with the next issue
after the current one.
I hope, also God willing, to add station WOV, New York,
within a few weeks. Then, at the earliest moment possible, super-
power WCAU, Philadelphia, one of the nation's leading stations.
Then, beginning the Fall and Winter season, to begin adding key
stations in principle population centers thru facilities of the new
A.B.C. net-work as rapidly as possible, until The WORLD TOMORROW is
heard locally EVERYWHERE!
Brethren, and Co-Workers, this opens before us a
marvelous opportunity! I have tried to be careful not to get ahead
of the Lord. But from the time He called us to this great mission,
He always has graciously gone before, and opened the way. And now
He has opened this new avenue--by far the largest yet--WE MUST
FOLLOW WHERE HE LEADS--We must not falter--we must not fail Him--
we must take advantage of this marvelous opportunity opened only
by the supernatural Hand of God! How grateful we are to our
heavenly Father for opening the opportunity!
The most THRILLING subject of this hour is
P R O P E C Y! Hundreds of letters from listeners and Co-Workers
indicate an intense interest in PROPHECY just now. In these tense
days of the greatest eruption of organized human wrath this world
has ever seen, it is indeed fascinating to see PROPHECY unfolding,
day by day!
None but the Eternal God can know, and reveal to us, the
FUTURE. God reveals this future, thru prophecy, as a WARNING! It
is important that we know what is GOING TO HAPPEN! We must act
And so in this BULLETIN I want to give our Co-Workers a
very brief, condensed outline of what is prophesied--FROM NOW! We
do not have paper on hand for a more complete exposition. But in
the following BULLETIN, early next month, I shall take up this
subject more fully. And perhaps a series of articles dealing with
it still more fully in coming issues of The PLAIN TRUTH.
First, it is important to realize that most of the
PROPHECIES of the bible were inspired, written, and preserved thru
the centuries to reveal the events of NOW--and the IMMEDIATE FUTURE
--our GENERATION! Few have ever realized that--but it's TRUE! We
have now reached that period called by Daniel (Moffatt translation)
"the CRISIS AT THE CLOSE." We are the very last generation of this
age! An AGE is ending before our eyes! The ways, the customs,
that have developed the present civilization upon earth--all ways
and customs contrary to GOD'S LAW--are climaxing in one grand final
For nearly 6,000 years Satan has held this earth under
his invisible sway! Originally his name was LUCIFER--meaning
"Shining Star of the Dawn"--and archangel, perfect in wisdom and
beauty. But he reasoned that God's Law--the principle of LOVE--of
love toward God in humility, obedience, and reverence as Superior;
of love and service toward fellow-creatures--was all wrong. He
exalted himself. Pride entered his heart. He said, "I will
ascend. I will exalt MY throne above the angels of God. I will
RIVAL the Most High." Lust for GETTING--the spirit of RIVALRY--
COMPETITION entered his mind. So his name was changed to SATAN--
meaning ADVERSARY, or COMPETITION. And so God gave him ONE
MILLENNIAL WEEK to prove thru human experience that his theories of
competitive GETTING--of greed and vanity--were wrong. "Six days,"
said God, "thou shalt labor and do all thy work (of deceiving
humans by his philosophy); but the SEVENTH millennium is the
Sabbath of the Eternal. In it thou shalt not do any work."
For six millenniums the world has been under his sway.
A competitive-type civilization has been built. Men have turned
from God's Law--Satan has convinced them it was "done away." Men
exalted themselves and one another. Men sit in authority over
their fellows. Lust, greed, selfishness, is the activating
principle of life. Competition has become ORGANIZED. And now we
behold the fruitage of this way of life--the grand smashing chaotic
CLIMAX OF 6,000 years of this type civilization! Yes, "sin is the
transgression of the LAW" (I John 3:4), and "ALL have sinned."
And so, where are we now, and what lies ahead? In His
Olivet prophecy, Jesus listed six general events to occur at this
end-time (Mat. 24): 1) False christs and false prophets preaching
false christs, throwing a fog of deception over the world as a
smoke-screen for events to follow; 2) wars, climaxing in WORLD WAR,
of which we now are in the second phase; 3) famines; 4)pestilences;
5) the GREAT TRIBULATION when the saints shall be persecuted and
martyred, followed immediately by 6) the heavenly SIGNS of darkened
sun and moon, and falling stars, together with the SIGN in heaven
of Christ's coming, and, 7) the actual SECOND COMING OF CHRIST.
But when Jesus comes, every prophecy describing the
condition of natural ISRAEL shows the Israelites in a condition
of CAPTIVITY and slavery, scattered among nations all over the
earth, FROM WHICH they are delivered by Christ at His coming! Now
we--the white, English-speaking American and British peoples--WE
Ephraim! Prophecy does not picture us going back to Palestine (or
representatives, one of a family, two of a city) from the ISLES--or
from the chief of the nations, or from a condition of affluence,
and wealth, and world dominance. But "Here am I," says God (Ezek.
37:21, Moffatt), "about to take the Israelites FROM THE NATIONS
WHERE THEY HAVE GONE, gathering them from EVERY QUARTER, and
bringing them back to their own land, where I will make them a
single nation upon the uplands of Israel..no longer two nations."
"He who scattered Israel GATHERS THEM,..for the Eternal has SET
10-11). "And it shall come to pass in THAT DAY, saith the Lord"
--the day when Israel was chief of nations, like a lion compared to
other beasts (Micah 5:8-11), "that I will cut off thy horses (of
war)..and I will destroy thy chariots: and I will cut off the
cities of thy land, and throw down all thy STRONGHOLDS."
The prophecies all thru the Bible show that, unless our
people REPENT, and turn FROM our present sinning ways contrary to
God's law, and seek the Eternal God with our WHOLE HEARTS, and PUT
OUR TRUST IN HIM instead of ourselves and foreign allies, WE SHALL
LOSE THIS WAR--whether the present phase, (World War II), or the
next phase, (World War III, after another armistice), is not
forefathers did in 721 B.C., and be scattered into nations all over
the earth! There, God says, we will come to our senses, repent of
our ways, turn to HIM--and FROM there Christ will rescue us at His
COMING, restore our national material prosperity, and bring our
people salvation!
PEOPLE! Brethren, Co-Workers, it need not happen--but it is
CERTAIN, unless our people are WARNED, and they HEED the warning,
repent, and turn to God in a manner altogether different from any-
thing we have done yet. Now, tho we boast of our righteousness, we
actually are skidding down a toboggan-slide of SIN! GOD HELP US!
God never sends a judgment until the PEOPLE ARE WARNED! I know of
no-one else warning the nation of this terrible judgment! It is
the MEAT IN DUE SEASON--the last FINAL WARNING we must shout!
Also, the full complete GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM must go to every
nation, before the end of the age comes.
AFTER our people fall into captivity at the hands of the
revived and 7th head of "the BEAST," then united with the "False
Prophet," their headquarters removed to PALESTINE, which they shall
have captured, the MARK OF THE BEAST shall be enforced. Pure
Gospel preaching shall be PROHIBITED! Then comes the FAMINE of
HEARING the Word of God. Then the SAINTS who refuse to take the
Mark of the Beast or worship his image shall be PUT TO DEATH. PART
of the saints--those who WATCH, and PRAY without ceasing, and are
accounted worthy to escape all those things--shall be taken to a
place of safety. The others shall be MARTYRED. Immediately
following this TRIBULATION, God shall step in and send the terrible
heavenly signs. Then follows the DAY OF THE LORD--the time of
DIVINE WRATH--the PLAGUES, upon Babylon and the seat of the Beast.
Again, as I write this, there has been an alarming
slackening of tithes and offerings at our Eugene office. The work
needs another quick stimulus of money. We need two or three
thousand dollars extra at once. I thank you Co-Workers for the
way you responded last time and I know you will not fail God's
work this time. Some sent extra offerings before. GOD BLESS
THEM. LET US DO OUR UTMOST. Let those who can send as large an
offering as possible. God bless you.