The Herbert W Armstrong Papers Collection (HWAP)
Additional Items
Below is a collection of papers, letters, photographs etc from various sources which may well form part of the HWAP. In addition to the bulk of items kept at GCI, there are possibly other items residing with ICG, CGI, PCG.
Radio/Worldwide Church of God Constitutions etc | Constitutions, Bylaws, Articles of Association etc from 1946-1990s |
Early Bulletins and Letters to the Members | Bulletins 1933-1940s, Good News, Good News Letters and Coworker Letters 1934-1940s |
Early Members of the early Radio Church of God | an attempt to assemble information on the earliest members - to honour and remember them - something which has been woefully overlooked. |
Worldwide Church of God Pioneers & Researchers | |
Extracts from the HWAP | The entire collection is kept by GCI |
Item |
Comment |
Letters | |
1917-29 | |
Mr. Armstrong wrote this letter to his mother, 23 July 1917 | Written en route to Chicago when he expected to be drafted at any moment. |
HWA's letter re Loma Armstrong's healing, 9 Aug 1927 | Further information in The Autobiography, chapter 18. New |
Loma's ltr to HWA's Mum re dream, Nov 1917 | HWA's comments on this dream here New |
Loma's ltr to Sadie, 21 Nov 1927 | Booklet extract version |
HWA to Mrs Clarke, 1 March 1928 | Explains that he is not SDA. New |
Dugger to HWA, 16 Aug 1928 | |
HWA to Mr Dillard, 2 Oct 1928 |
Outlines his calling and background. Much of this and more is contained in his Autobiography (Vol. 1). New |
Dugger ltrs to HWA, Feb & July 1929 | Re the 'lost' tribes of Israel. New |
HWA to Mr Dailey, 13 March 1929 | Discusses his manuscript – apparently What is the Third Angel’s Message? etc. This manuscript evolved into The United States and Britain in Prophecy. New |
HWA to Andrew Dugger, 8 May 1929 |
Writes about how there was opposition to his
baptism by a Sunday preacher. New
"Last summer [1928] while Bro. Stith [an elder from Idaho] was here in
Oregon, I began to notice among Church of God people at Denver an
under-current of feeling against me because I was originally baptized by a
first-day preacher, and would not be baptized again by Bro. Sith,” he wrote.
“Every possible pressure was brought to bear upon me to make me
‘dissatisfied with my former baptism,’ as it was put, and to be baptized all
over again” (p. 1) |
1930s | |
Bulletins and letters to the members 1933-40s | Some are missing. Perhaps gone forever or with the GCI. |
HWA ltr to Loma, 23 Aug 1931 | “Taylor possibly proving to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, trying to devour the flock instead of feed them after all, or else getting power drunk and wrecking everything.” (p. 7) New |
New | |
HWA to Loma, 1933 | Exact date unknown. New |
HWA to Ray |
New |
HWA ltr to Kiesz, 18 Jan 1934 | On page 1 he agrees with Dugger’s 40 points of doctrine and also raises the pork and when to baptise issue. New |
G Hobbs to HWA, 31 Jan 1934 |
“The following is a report of the meeting. At a meeting in the home of S. A. Oberg this morning the following motion was carried. Moved by S. A. Oberg that the Church of God in the State of Or. Accept the Constitution of the organisation with headquarters at Salem West Virginia in its entire 40 points. Seconded by Brother Hobbs. Unanimously adopted or carried.” (p. 1) New |
Dodd to HWA, 10 June 1934 | The context is the timing of baptism for people using tobacco; and if pork is a spiritual or only physical sin. New |
Dugger to HWA, 17 June 1934 | Re HWA's credentialing. New |
HWA to Dodd, 13 June 1934 | Explains his position when to baptise. New |
Roy Dailey [BA editor] to HWA, 23 June 1934 | Wants HWA to return to the Stanberry, MO group. New |
HWA to Otto, 14 Nov 1934 | This refers to the Third Angels Message which evolved into the Ezekiel Message which I have written about since the 1990s. New |
Otto Haeber to HWA, 17 Nov 1934 | “Inasmuch as your credentials are mailed to you from Jerusalem … you have been voted credentials.” (p. 1) New |
Daily to HWA, 6 Jan 1935 |
Dailey represented the Stanberry, MO group. New Presumably he refers to the Bible Advocate (different to the one published by the Stanberry group’s) |
HWA to Taylor, 1935, 29 Jan | Tells Taylor to submit to God and how he (HWA) had lost confidence in Taylor |
Dodd to HWA, 1935, 27 June | New |
HWA to the Runcorns, 1935, 24 March | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1935, 11 April | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1935, 11 Sept | New |
HWA to Dugger, 1935, 13 Nov | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1935, 20 Nov | New |
Day to Dugger, 1936, 1 Jan | New |
HWA to Otto, 1936, 4 Jan | New |
HWA to Otto Haeber, 1936, 6 Feb | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1936, 7 July | New |
Dugger to HWA, 1936, 27 Oct | Regarding opposition to the holy days by ministers. New |
HWA std letter to radio listeners, 1936, 27 March | New |
HWA to Dugger, 1936, 1 Nov | New |
HWA to Dugger, 1936, 12 Nov | New |
Dugger to a member, 1937, 18 Feb | New |
Dugger to to a someone, probably HWA, 1937, 1 March | Re "The Faith" periodical. New |
HWA to Grimm, 1937, 19 March | New |
Dugger to McMicken, 1937, 29 March | New |
Dugger to HWA, 1937, 8 April | “I just received the Bible Advocate this morning and I note a report there from your work at Eugene, and I also notice a statement about the paper D. O. Dodd. is issuing, and also an article on the Feast Days.” (p. 1) Is he saying here that HWA promoted the feast days in the magazine? New |
HWA to Dugger, 1937, 11 April | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 26 April | New |
HWA, to the 12, 1937 | Exact date unknown. New |
Ltr to High Schools of Oregon and Southwestern Washington, 26 April 1937 | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 3 May | New |
HWA to Freeman, 1937, 4 May | New |
Dodd to HWA, 1937, 20 May | New |
HWA to Dugger, 1937, 24 May | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 28 May | New |
HWA to Oregon Conference brethren, 1937, May | Exact date unknown. New |
Dugger to HWA, 1937, 29 June | New |
HWA to Dugger, 1937, 31 May | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 6 July | New |
This concerns the manuscript he sent to Dugger on the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. He went on to disprove accusations that he (HWA) was divisive. Exact dates unknown. New |
Kiesz to HWA, 1937, 5 Aug | New |
HWA to Kiesz, 1937, 6 Sept | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 9 Sept | New |
HWA to Dodd, 1937, 10 Sept | Mentions Claude Ellis ordained an elder (p. 1). New |
HWA to Alexander, 1937, 2 Nov | New |
1940s | |
HWA letters to Basil Wolverton | New |
Information on Bobby Fisher here |
Bobby & Merlin to Marvin, Sept 1942 |
A letter to Uncle Frank Armstrong 1947 | |
Armstrong-Private Letters (1947) | |
One of the numerous letters written during the Armstrongs trip to Europe | During 1947 |
1950s | |
Information scattered around the website | |
1960s | |
GTA letter to ministry to pray for his sons | There is a report also, but pages missing. Uploaded with permission |
Major Interactions with the Churches of God | |
CG7 Salem, WVa ltr re HWA | |
CG7 Salem, WVa ltr why HWA credentials withdrawn | |
CG7 Salem, WVa views on HWA | |
HWA ltr to Andrew Dugger (mentions spiritual gifts) | |
HWA ltr to CG7 Salem, W Va c. late 1933 | |
HWA ltr to CG7 Salem, W Va 29 Jan 1934 | |
HWA ltr to CG7 Salem, W Va 16 Aug 1934 | |
CG7 Salem, WVa to HWA 5 Nov 1934 | |
CG7 Salem WVa periodical reports on HWA's works.pdf | |
General Conference of the Church of God (7th Day) ltr re HWA | 1970s |
General Conference of the Church of God (7th Day) ltr re HWA to an inquiry | 12 Oct 1979. He is incorrect, HWA's credentials were withdrawn by the Salem group in 1938. New |
Ministerial Certificates | |
Ministerial Certificate (2nd) (1932) | 2 March 1932 - issued by the Church of God (Seventh Day) (Stanberry, MO). See Autobiography, Vol. 1 (1986 edition), between pp. 504-05. NB: the 1st certificate is missing which HWA mentioned that he could not find. (unless it was the 1st certificate that was issued late)* |
Ministerial Certificate (2nd) (1932) | 2 March 1932 |
Ministerial Certificate (3rd) (1933) | 11 July 1933 - issued by the Church of God (Seventh Day) (Stanberry, MO). See The Inside Story of the World Tomorrow Broadcast, p. 53 |
Credentials of Discipleship 1934 (ie 4th Ministerial Certificate) | 1 Oct 1934 - issued by the Church of God (Seventh Day) (Salem, W Va). See Autobiography, Vol. 1 (1986 edition), between pp. 504-05 |
Credentials of Discipleship(colour) 1934 (ie Ministerial Certificate) | 1 Oct 1934. See extract from The Autobiography: Credentials of Discipleship(colour) 1934; HWA plays with his children.pdf |
Earliest Writings | |
Can A Sabbath Keeper believe in Evolution? | HWA's first booklet published 1928 or 1929 |
What's Wrong With the World Today? | Brochure c 1934. Large version here. New |
The Bulletin etc from the 1930s | |
Development of Our Co-Worker's Bulletin to the Good News Letter | |
Early publications of Church of God at Eugene, Oregon | |
HWA's typed manuscripts re Sabbath | |
Original Plain Truths | |
Original articles | |
Proposed PT 1929 | |
Bible Study Quarterly. The Kingdom | 1930s. New |
Bible Study Quarterly. Truth about Israel Series | Probably early 1940s. Word version |
Truth about Israel (Plain Truth series) | 1938 |
The United States in Prophecy | Plain Truth series 1942 |
Church of God Expositor-Conversion | 1930s. New |
Original Church Organization Restored | 1930s. Perhaps from the 1939 Good News or a stand alone article written earlier. New |
Tithing article draft | 1930s. New |
Miscellaneous Items | |
Mrs Loma Armstrong. Handmaid and Servant of God | Written early 1970s. New |
Detailed Statement of Activities, History, Operations | c1956. Interesting background information to the Church |
Letter from HWA to staff re issues | Berates them because Christ and grace are being left out of the Church's letters. Dated 12 Dec 1958 |
Pint Point Facts about the Radio Church of God | Dated 20 Jan 1955 |
Ten Daily Questions | His way of keeping on track. From the 14 February, 1941 Co-Worker Letter |
Early 1920s laundry ads by Herbert Armstrong.docx | |
Early broadcast scripts from 1930s | |
First pages of scripts HWA wrote by hand in his 90th to 93rd years | |
HWA Teleprompters during his 90-93 years | |
HWA's borrowers card from Eugene Public Library etc.pdf | |
HWA's media ID for UNO conference 1945 | |
Handwritten Notes1 | |
Mimeographed evangelistic campaign fliers | |
Mr. Armstrong's evangelistic campaign sermon notes | |
Rceipts from KORE etc | |
The front of his draft card carries the signature that would become known to millions | |
The handwritten cards use to prompt the speaker c1955 | |
The passports of Armstrongs for 1956 trip | |
Income: 1934-56 | Handwritten notes. New |
Income 1958-62 | Handwritten notes. New |
*Ordination Certificate:
have in my old files my Ministerial License Certificate, which is reproduced in
this autobiography, dated March 2, 1932, and signed by O. J. Runcorn as
President, and Mrs. I. E. Curtis as Secretary. This was almost a year after I
was ordained -- probably my second certificate.”