Notes On Psalm 144:11-15.
These Notes Are From The Companion Bible.

(Repeated Alternation.)

H 4/5 | L1 | 1-7. David's words. Praise and prayer.

      M1 | 8. Words of foreigners. Vain and false.

| L2 | 9-11. David's words. Praise and Prayer.

      M2 | 12-15-. Words of foreigners. Vain and false.

| L3 | -15. David's words. Right and true.

Psalm 144:11

   11.  °Rid me, and °deliver me from the hand of °strange children, Whose mouth °speaketh vanity, And their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:

   Rid = snatch. Hebrew pazah; same word as in verse 7, and "delivereth", verse 10.

   deliver = pluck or rescue. Hebrew nazal; same word as in verse 7, not the same as in verses 2, 10.

   strange children = aliens. Hebrew = 'sons of the foreigner.

   speaketh. Compare verse 8; and the note the words they speak in verses 12 - 15.

Psalm 144:12

   12.  °That our sons °may be as plants grown up in their youth; That our daughters °may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a place:

   That = Who, Hebrew 'asher. Supply the Ellipsis thus: "Who [say] our sons are, etc." All the words in italic types in verses 12 - 15- may be omitted, or the Present Tense may be supplied throughout. The verb "say" or "saying" is very frequently to be thus understood. See note on Psalm 109:5.

   may be. Supply "Are" and omit "That"

Psalm 144:13

   13.  That our garners °may be full, affording all manner of store: That our °sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our °streets:

   may be. Supply "Are" and omit "That"

   sheep = flocks.

   streets = open fields. Hebrew that which is outside the house.

Psalm 144:14

   14.  That our oxen °may be °strong to labour; That there be °no breaking in, °nor going out; That there be no complaining in our °streets.

   may be. Supply "Are" and omit "That"

   strong to labour = well laden.

   no breaking in = no invasion.

   nor going out = no captivity.

   streets = open fields. Hebrew that which is outside the house.

Psalm 144:15

   15.  °Happy is that people, that is °in such a case: °Yea, happy is that People, whose °God is °the LORD.

   Happy. See Appendix 63. VI.

   in such a case: that is to say, holding the false view that happiness consists in outward prosperity. Compare 4:6, 7, and 146:3 and 5.

   Yea. Supply the Ellipsis (Appendix 6), not as in Authorized Version and Revised Version, but [Yea, rather], or [Nay]. The last member (L3) being David's own words; denying the vain and false words of the aliens (verses 8 and 12 - 15), and declaring the truth as to that in which real happiness consists. See note on Psalm 4:6, 7.

   God. Hebrew Elohim. Appendix 4. I.

   the LORD. Hebrew Jehovah. Appendix 4. II.

Appendix List