Notes on Psalm 109:5
These Notes Are From The Companion Bible.

Psalm 109:5

   5.  And they have °rewarded me °evil for good, And hatred °for my love.

   reward me = set or put against me. Syric Version reads "returned me". Not the same word as as in verse 20, though the same thing is referred to.

   evil. Hebrew ra'a'. Appendix 44. viii.

   for my love. Note here the Ellipsis of the verb "saying", emphasising what is said rather than the saying of it. This verb has often to be thus supplied. See Genesis 26:7. 1 Kings 20:34. Psalm 2:2; 144:12. Proverbs 1:21. Isaiah 5:9; 14:8; 18:2; 22:13; 24:14, 15; 28:9. Jeremiah 9:19; 11:19; 50:5. Lamentations 3:41. Hosea 14:8. Acts 9:6; 10:15; 14:22, etc. See note on Psalm 144:12.

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