Notes on Psalm 4:6, 7.
These Notes Are From The Companion Bible.

Psalm 4:6

   6.  There be many °that say, "Who will shew us any °good?" °LORD, °lift Thou up the light of Thy °countenance upon us.

   that say... good. See note on Psalm 144:12 - 15.

   LORD. Hebrew Jehovah. Appendix 4. I.

   lift Thou up. No priest with David to give the blessing of Numbers 6:24 - 26. See 2 Samuel 15:32 - 37.

   countenance. Figure of Speech, Anthropopatheia. Appendix 6.

Psalm 4:7

   7  Thou hast put °gladness in my heart, More than in the time that °their corn and their °wine increased.

   gladness. This was true "good".

   their corn. See note on Psalm 144:15.

   wine = new wine. Hebrew tirosh. Appendix 27. II.

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