Notes on Hebrews 9:16-22.
These Are From The Companion Bible.

Hebrews 9:16

   16.  For where a °testament is, °there must also of necessity be the death of the °testator.

   16. tesatament = covenant, Greek diatheke. Matthew 26:28 Exodus 2510 - 22.

   there must, etc. = it is necessary that the death... be brought in.

   testator = appointed (victim).

Hebrews 9:17

   17.  For a °testament is °of force °after men are dead: otherwise it is of °no °strength at all while the °testator liveth.

   17. tesatament = covenant, Greek diatheke. Matthew 26:28 Exodus 2510 - 22.

   of force = sure. Greek bebaios. See 6:19.

   after, etc. = over (Greek epi) the dead (victims). See Genesis 15:9 - 18Jeremiah 34:18)

   no... at all. Greek me pote.

   strength. Greek ischuo. Compare Appendix 172. 3. The two covenants referred to above show the necessity of a victim being slain for the validity of a covenant, and the ceremony of passing between the parts thereof. To the unconditional covenant with Abraham, Jehovah was the only party (Genesis 15:17,18); in the other, note verses 18, 19. The passage here has nothing to do with a "will" or "will-making".

   testator = appointed (victim).

Hebrews 9:18

   18.  °Whereupon °neither the first testament was °dedicated °without blood.

   18. Whereupon, etc. = Wherefore not even.

   neither. Greek oude

   dedicated = inaugurated. Greek enkainizo. Only here and 10:20. Compare John 10:22.

   without = apart from. Greek choris

Hebrews 9:19

   19.  For °when Moses had spoken every precept to all the °people °according to °the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, °with water, and °scarlet °wool, and °hyssop, and °sprinkled both the °book, and the °people,

   19. when, etc. Literal every command having been spoken (Greek laleo Appendix 121. 7) by (Greek hupo) Moses. See 3:2

   people. Greek laos.

   according to. Greek kata. Appendix 104. x. 2.

   the = Omit.

   with. Greek meta. Appendix 104. xi. 1.

   scarlet. Greek kokkinos. Only here; Matthew 27:28. Revelation 17:3, 4; 18:12, 16.

   wool. Greek erion. Only here and Revelation 1:14.

   hyssop. Greek hussopos. Only here and John 19:29.

   book. See Exodus 24:7.

Hebrews 9:20

   20.  Saying °"This is the blood of the °testament which °God hath °enjoined °unto you."

   20. This, etc. Quoted from Exodus 24:8.

   tesatament = covenant, Greek diatheke. Matthew 26:28 Exodus 2510 - 22.

   God. Greek apo. Appendix 104.iv.

   enjoined = commanded.

   unto. Greek pros. Appendix 104. xv. 3.

Hebrews 9:21

   21.  Moreover he °sprinkled with blood both the °tabernacle, and all the vessels of the °ministry.

   21. sprinkled. Greek rhantizo. See Appendix 136. ix.

   tabernacle. Greek skene, tent, which is used by the Septuagint to render the Hebrew mishkan (the structure) and 'ohel (the tent which covered it). Compare Exodus 17:19, 21.

   ministry. Greek leitourgia. Appendix 190. II. 4.

Hebrews 9:22

   22.  And °almost all things are °by the law purged °with blood; and °without °sheeding of blood °is °no remission.

   22. almost. Greek schedon. Here and Acts 13:44; 19:26.

   by = according to. Greek kata. Appendix 104. x. 2.

   with = in. Greek en Appendix 104. viii.

   without = apart from. Greek choris.

   shedding, etc. Greek haimatekchusia. Only here.

   is. Greek ginomai, to become.

   no = not. Appendix 105. I.

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