The Synonymous Words for "Power", etc.
This Is Appendix 172 From The Companion Bible.

  1. dunamis = inherent power; the power of reproducing itself: from which we have English dynamics, and dynamo, etc. See Acts 1:8.

  2. kratos = strength (as exerted); power put forth with effect, and in government: from which we have the English theocracy, government by God: aristocracy, government by the best; democracy, government by the people. The Greek enkrateia = mastery over one's self = self-control, or having one's self reined in (from krateia, a rein). This (that is to say, enkrateia) is the only word renderd "temperance", and occurs only in Acts 24:25. Galatians 5:23. 2 Peter 1:6, 6.

  3. ischus = strength (as an endowment), physical strength possessed. See, for example, Mark 12:30.

  4. energeia = energy; strength (No. 3 above) put forth from within in effectual operation. See, for example, 2 Thessalonians 2:9.

  5. exousia = authority, or delegated power; the liberty and right to put forth power. See, for example, John 1:12.

  6. arche = beginning; then, the chief rule or ruler. See Luke 12:11 (magistrates).

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