
Bible Studies
From: Giving & Sharing

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Articles by Larry Walker, Articles by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi,
Bible Topical Index, by Mark Mickelson,
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NOTE: All studies written by Richard C. Nickels unless otherwise noted. These Bible Studies are compiled from past issues of the Giving & Sharing Newsletter.

Bible Studies by Number

001   Don't Take Your Brother to Court!
002   Idolatry in the Church of God
003   Women's Responsibility in the Church, by Keith Hunt
004   Christian Fellowship -- Why and With Whom? By Richard A. Wiedenheft
005   How Should Worship Services Be Conducted?
006   Joseph: A Portrait in Mercy, by John Dunkin
007   Is Christianity Pagan? Adapted from The Faith magazine, January, 1976
008   Why I Don't Close My Letters With "In His Name"
012   Theme of the Apostles, by John Trescott
013   Why Hebrew? By Bill Phillips with notes by Richard Nickels
014   Being Independent, by Norman F. Rowe
015   Biblical Hypocrisy
016   Spiritual Winners, Spiritual Losers
016   Who Are the Wise Servants?
021   Put on the Whole Armor of God, by Jim DeFrancisco
025   What is an Apostate?
026   Ten Basic Qualifications of an Elder
028   Fellowship: Mark of a True Christian
030   What Does It Mean To Minister to the Saints?
031   What is the Ministry?
032   Daily Bread, True Bread, Living Bread, Bread From Heaven
033   Spiritual Dogs
034   Spiritual Cannibalism
035   The Scatterings, by James Vivo and Richard C. Nickels
038   Should a Christian Work in Government Office?
042   Yahweh is My Strength, My Song, My Salvation
047   Ye Visited Me Not, by Manuel Torres
049   Is It Christian to Drink?, by Norman F. Rowe
050   Usury -- A Universal Sin
052   What Are You Doing Spiritually?
051   Promotion Comes From God
056   Fruits Worthy of Repentance
057   Love the Stranger
058   God Did Not Call Me to Preach
060   Gird Up Your Loins
061   Personal Spiritual Object Lessons
062   Be Ye Therefore Perfect
063   What Seventh-day Adventists Should Know About Other Sabbath-Keepers
064   We are Sabbath-Keepers, Not Seventh-day Adventists
065   Three Days and Three Nights, by Milburn Cockrell
066   The Decline and Fall of America, by Dr. Charles Halff
069   The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
070   A Lonely Place
071   Is Your House In Order?
074   YAHWEH, Inc.?
076   What Should We Be Doing? By Ronald H. Stewart
078   Heaven is Not the Reward of the Saved
079   The Little Sabbath-keeping Red Hen
080   The Game of Proverbs
081   Voting -- Is It a Christian Duty?
082   Casting Pearls Before Swine
083   How to Memorize Bible Scriptures
087   The Solution to the Grasshopper Plague
088   Don't Die in That Church!
089   We Saw a High Place!
090   Right in Our Own Eyes
095   At the Ritz in High Tech City
096   Why Do the Seas Roar?
098   Is Gambling a Sin?
100   I Believe in Jesus Christ, What's it all about?, by John I. Ajalli
102   Worship Not the Beast With 666, by John I. Ajalli
103   Biblical Law
104   Biblical Liberty and Freedom
107   What Should We Do? Where Should We Go?
108   Is Jesus YHVH? by Ronald H. Stewart
109   Our Road to Damascus
112   Reach Out and Touch Someone
114   Personal Evangelism, by Richard Wiedenheft
116   Receiving Correction From God
117   Genesis Finds Its Complement in Revelation
118   Awake Out of Sleep!
119   Contention in the Church of God
120   How to Recognize a True Servant of God, by William B. Scherer
121   The Problem of Giving to the Poor
122   King James Version Errors
124   The Diotrephes Complex
125   Spiritual Schizophrenia
126   Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive
127   Petra and the Place of Safety
128   The New Age Movement
129   Philo: Classical Expounder of Law, Sabbaths
130   The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by Steven J. Kieler
131   Rechabites and Edomites
132   History of the Trinity Doctrine
133   Seven Men Who Rule the World From the Grave
134   Truth About Circumcision
135   Prayer, by Wayne Holmes
136   The Importance of Spiritual Fellowship
137   The Elijah To Come
138   How to Prepare, Conduct, and Participate in Group Bible Studies
139   Socialism in the Church of God
140   Lessons from Proverbs
141   Herbert W. Armstrong and Church Government
142   From a Distance
143   The Gospel of Isaiah
144   Coming Clean
145   Message to Prisoners
146   Are You a Member of a Cult?
147   Yea, Hath God Said?
148   Thank God For My Handicap!
149   The Wheat and the Tares
150   A City on Seven Hills, by Dave Hunt
150AThe Truth About God's Holy Spirit, by Gene C. Carter
151   Pursue Love, by Lee H. Clark
152   And From the Laodicean Front, by Lee H. Clark
153   The Blessing of Wool
154   Shifting Paradigm: Where Will it End? By David Barton
155   Nicolaitanes, by J.H. Allen
156   The Berryfields of Gresham
157   Repentance Without Restitution
158   False Ministers, False Brethren
159   Seminar Format Feast of Tabernacles
160   The Battle for the Bible
161   God is NOT a TRINITY
162   It Does Make a Difference Which Version You Use
163   Similarities and Differences Between Sabbatarian Churches
164   The Seven Churches of Revelation
165   Every Prayer an Answered Prayer, by Kenneth V. Ryland
166   Claiming the Promises of God
167   Walking in the Spirit, Eph. 5:1-21, by Earl Lewis
168   A Look at the Pope's Pastoral Letter, "Dies Domini," by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi
169   Was Luke a Gentile? by Thomas S. McCall
170   Don't Look Back, by Earl Lewis
171   The Lion, the Lamb, and the Koala Bear
172   The Collapse of Evolution
173   Do Not Prostitute Thy Daughter, by Roger Normann
174   United Religions Organization
175   Do You Have a Right to be Offended?
176   The War Against Circumcision
177   Don't Reject God Because of Human Failure, by Larry J. Walker
178   Jail and Prison Ministry - a Job For You?By Earl Lewis
179   Sodomy in the Church of God
180   Holy Anointing Olive Oil
181   Cremation Versus Burial - Which?
182   Disfellowshipping and Marking, by Dexter B. Wakefield
183   King of the Jews, by Dave Hunt
184   The Smugglers - God's Outlaws(Wyclife, Hus, Tyndale)
185   All Roads Lead to Babylon
186   Have You Been Sold A Different Gospel?, (Gnosticism) by Douglas S. Winnail.
187   Imitators or Followers of Christ?
188   Alpha and Omega
189   The "Serpent Seed" Heresy, by Robert Hoops and Steven Collins.
190   The "Heart of Evil," and Essay on Evil, by Steve Kieler.
   Martyrs: A Mirror of Christ in the World.
   Scripture Memorization Can Be Fun.
193   Let No Man Deceive You.
194   Hell: Where is It? What is It? By E. E. Franke.
195   Islam and You.
196   The Archers Have Sorely Grieved Joseph.
197   A Physician Testifies About the Crucifixion, by Dr. C. Truman Davis.
198   Europa Rides the Beast, by Craig White.
199   Rules of the Winds, by Steve Kieler.
200   Who's Who in the Bible.
201   Books of the Bible.
202   The History of the English Bible, www.greatsite.com.
203   Korah's Rebellion - Its Real Lesson for Today.
204   Patriotism or Pilgrimage? By Les Rinehart.
205   Land For Peace?
206   Catholic Priests Child Sex-Abuse Scandal., by Dr. Samuel Bacchiocchi.
207   The Fossil Record and Early Man, by Arnold C. Mendez, Sr.
208   What Do You Mean, "You"?
209   Contrast Between Christ and Mohammed
210   Universal Nature of the Flood, by Arnold C. Mendez, Sr.
211   Genesis Flood's Effect on Earth's Geology, by Arnold C. Mendez, Sr.
212   The Cancer Answer, by Alex Nicholson.
213   Table of Symbolical Words in Scripture, by Charles A. Weisman.
214   NIV Bible Quiz, from the Internet.
215  That Other Feast, by Dan L. White.
216  Days of Zeal Gone By.
217  The Real Face of Jesus, by Mike Fillon.
218  A Story of Grace, by Delmar L. Leger.
219  Exodus 34:22 and the Calendar, by United Church of God.
220  Lessons for Pentecost.
221  The Promise of the Parakletos, by Larry J. Walker.
222  The Real Father's Day, by Barbara Nickels de Parada.
223  The Three Angels' Messages, by Eugene Shubert and Richard C. Nickels.
224  The Sea of Glass, by Bill and Cheryl Nichols.
225  Begotten Again or Born Again, Which?, by David Nield.
226  Mary's Stars on the European Flag, by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi.
  Opening/Closing Prayer Guidelines, by Glen Gilchrist.
  How to Give a Sermonette, by Glen Gilchrist.
  Danite Exodus From Egypt, by Messianic Church of God.
230  Ichabod, The Glory is Departed!
231  The Sabbath and the Trinity, by Kaj-R Nilsen.
232  Table of Unusual and Archaic KJV Words, by Charles A. Weisman.
233  Three Sabbaths: Lord's Sabbath, Jewish Sabbath, Papal Sabbath, by E.J. Waggoner
234  Doctrine by Anarchy! By Steve Kieler.
235  Thou Shalt Not Show the Ten Commandments, by Scott Ashley.
236  Seven Holy Day Offerings?
237  The Book of Hebrews
238  Remembering Our Marriage Covenant
239  Benefits of the Sabbath
240  Funeral Services, by Herb Teitgen and United Church of God
241  Gopherwood and the Construction of the Ark, by Arnold C. Mendez, Sr.
242  Biblical Music
243  Christ the Firstfruits, by David Miller
244  Have You Been Matthew 18'd?
245  Replacement Theology
246  "This Thing is Done of Me", by Bill and Cheryl Nichols
247  The Sabbath in John, by Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi
248  Is Not Romethe Harlot? From the Internet
249  The Elect in Babylon, by Peter A. Huizar
250  Thirty-Eight Reasons Why I Question SDA Doctrines, by Elder W.H. Olson
251  God Will Bring Again the Captivity of Israel
252  If We Could Have Been There, by Del Ledger
253  Twelve Kinds of Proverbs, by Randy Stiver
254  Bible Names, by Roger Waite
255  Did Moses Marry a "Cushite" Woman? By Church of the Eternal God
256  Keeping the Sabbath, by Roderick C. Meredith
257  Why Abortion is Wrong
258  Why Unleavened Bread? by Matthew J. Gaffney
259  Passover and You, by Delmar Leger
260  Book of Psalms
261  Reasons Women Should Not Be Pastors, by Sandra-Mae Robinson
262  A Wild Olive Tree
263  A Favorite Son, by Steve Kieler
264  Celtic Sabbath-Keeping
265  The Importance of Tithing
266  Dispelling the Sacred Name Philosophy, by Sandra-Mae Robinson
267  Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ, the Messiah
268  Without Natural Affection, by Jimmie Parr
269  The Sabbath and Military Service
270  Every Man Shall Sit Under His Vine
271  Fourteen Rules for Bible Study, by Fred Coulter


Quick Reference to Bible Studies:

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