- Thou Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.(First Commandment)
- OT=Ex. 20:2,3; 34:14; Deut. 5:6,7; 6:5
- NT=Matt. 4:10; 22:37; 38; Luke 10:25-27
- Israel admonished to avoid apostasy.
- Israel NOT to follow the apostasy of false prophets
- OT=Deut. 13:1-5
- NT=Matt. 24:5,23,24; Mark 13:21-23;
20:29-30 II Cor. 11:13-15; Eph.4:14 I Tim.4:1-3; 6:3-5; II Tim
4:3-4; Titus 1:10-14 II Peter 2:1-2; 3:6, 17; I John 4:1-6; II
John 7; Jude 4, 8
- Israel told how to distinguish false prophets
- OT=Deut. 18:18-20 ; Is 8:20
- NT=Matt. 7:15-20
- Israel not to follow the apostasy of kin
- Israel not to follow the apostasy of the people of the
- Israel to avoid strange doctrine
- Israel to avoid false worship
- OT=Is. 1:13
- NT=II Cor. 10:14; I John
- Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images
- OT=Ex. 20:4-6; 22:20; 34:17 Lev. 17:7; 19:4;
26:1; Deut. 4:15-19,23-25; 5:8-10; 11:16,17; 12:30,31; 13:1-3; 5-17;
- NT=I Chron. 5:25 I Cor. 10:14; I John 5:21
- Israel commanded NOT to bow down to, nor to serve the gods of the
- OT=Ex 23:24, 32, 33; Deut. 6:14; 7:16;
- NT=I Thess.
- Israel NOT to sacrifice to devils or heathen gods
- OT=Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17
- Israel to destroy all heathen shrines
- OT=Ex. 34:12-13; Num. 35:52; Duet. 7:5,
25-26; 12:2-3
- Sacrifice of children to false gods forbidden for
- OT=Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5; II Kings 16:3
Jer.7:31; 19:5
- Israel NOT to follow in the customs or abominations of the heathen
- OT=Lev. 18:3, 26-30; 20:23; Deut. 12:29-31;
18:9-14; II Chron. 36:14; II Kings 21:1-7
- Idolatry
- OT=Deut. 7:25; 12:29-31; Ez.
- Sacrifice of children to false gods
- Sorcery and witchcraft, wizards, enchanters, consulters
with familiar spirits, astrology condemned.
- OT=Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:9-14;
I Sam.15:23; II Chron. 33:6; Is. 47:9-15; Jer.27:9; Ez. 20:30-33;
Micah 5:12; Malachi 3:5
- NT=Acts 13:6-11; Gal. 5:16-21; I Tim. 4:1;
Rev. 21:8
- Witches to be put to death.
- Immoral conduct such as adultery, incest, sodomy, homosexuality
- Decorating trees, such as Christmas trees
- Israel NOT to keep company with idolaters or the wicked or even
Brethren who walk contrary to the Word of God
- OT=Psalm 26:5; II Chron. 19:2
- NT=I Cor. 5:9-11; 10:19-20; II Cor. 6:14-18;
II Thes 3:6,14.
- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. (
Third Commandment )
- OT=Ex. 20:7; Lev. 18:21; Deut. 5:11
- NT=Matt. 5:33-37
- Cursing or blasphemy against God forbidden.
- OT=Lev. 18:21; 19:12; 24:15-16; I Kings
21:10, 13
- NT=Matt. 12:31; Mark 3:28-29
- Israel people to be God's servant race.
- OT=Ex. 19:5-6; Lev. 20:26; Deut 7:6; 10:15;
14:2; I Sam. 12:22; II Sam. 7:24; I Chron. 17:22; Psalm 33:12; Is.
43:1,10; 49:3; Jer. 31:1; Ez. 34:30
- NT=Rom. 9:4; II Cor. 6:16; I Peter 2:9; Acts
- God's Law given to the Israel people.
- OT=Deut. 4:5-10, 40; 33:3-4; Psalm 147:19-20;
Is. 43:1, 10; 49:3; Jer. 31:1; Ez 34:30
- Israel admonished to obey God's Law.
- OT=Ex. 15:26; Lev. 18:4-5, 26, 30; 20:22;
Deut. 4:4-14,40; 5:32-33; 6:17, 25; 8:6,11; 11:8,32; 26:16; 27:8-10;
29:9; 30:2, 10, 16; I Kings 8:57-58, 61; Ez. 20:19
- NT=Matt. 5:17-19; Acts 5:29 Rom. 3:31;
6:14-15; 7:1, 22; James 1:22-15; Gal.3:10
- Blessings for obedience
- OT=Lev. 26:14-45; Deut. 7:12-24; 28:1-14;
Joshua 1:7-8; Is. 1:19
- Curses for disobedience
- OT=Lev. 26:14-45 Deut. 8:19-20; 11:26-28;
28:15-68; II Kings 17:1-41; Is. 1:20; Hosea 4:6-7
- Those who refuse to hear and obey God's Law
- OT=Prov. 28:9; Jer. 5:3
- NT=Titus 1:16; I John 2:4
- Restoration and blessing for return and obedience to
God's Law
- OT=Deut. 30:1-10; II Chron.
- Israel to preserve and study God's Law.
- OT=Lev. 18:5; 19:37; Deut. 4:1-2, 5,6; 5:1;
6:1-9, 25; 11:18-22; 31:11-12; Joshua 1:7-8; Psalm 1:2; Prov. 7:1-3
- NT=John 5:39; 14:23; Acts17:11; 24:14; 26:22;
Col. 3:16; II Tim. 2:15; Rev. 22:18-19
- Israel not to add nor to detract from God's Law.
- OT=Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Joshua 1:7; Prov. 30:6
- NT=Rev. 22:18-19
- Israel to teach God's Law to their children
- OT=Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Joshua 1:7; Prov. 30:6
- God's Law to last forever.
- NT=Matt. 5:17-19; Rom. 3:31
- Sin is transgression of God's Law.
- OT=Deut. 17:2
- NT=I John 3:4
- By the Law comes knowledge of sin.
- We are admonished not to commit sin.
- OT=Is. 1:16
- NT=Rom. 6:12-15, 23; I John 3:9
- Not to enjoy the pleasure of sin.
- OT=Is. 46:8-11
- NT=Rom. 1:32; Heb. 11:25; I Tim. 5:6; James
- Not to lust after evil things
- Not to deceive ourselves about sin.
- Abstain from the appearance of evil.
- He that committeth sin is of the devil.
- Evil commeth from the heart of man.
- OT=I Kings 8:38-39; Jer. 17:9-10
- NT=Matt. 15:18-19
- The punishment of transgression is by:
- Defeat
- Disease
- War
- OT=II Sam. 12:9-10
- NT=James 4:1-2
- Captivity
- Affliction
- Death in hell
- Annihilation
- OT=Deut. 8:1, 20; 30:16-18
- The Law was made for the lawless and disobedient
- NT=Gal. 3:19; I Tim. 1:8-10
- All unrighteousness is sin
- Unrighteousness is an abomination unto the Lord
- Wickedness is an abomination unto the Lord.
- Israel not to practice those things which are an
abomination unto the Lord.
- Worship of pagan gods
- OT=Deut. 17:2-5; II Kings 23:13
- Heathen idolatry
- OT=Deut. 7:25; 12:30-31; 27:15
- Heathen practices (sorcery, witchcraft, ect,)
- OT=Deut. 18:9-12; Ez. 20:30-32
- Child sacrifice
- False worship
- Evil practice in God's house.
- OT=II Chron. 36:14; Jer. 7:30
- Those who delight in abominations
- OT=Is. 66:3
- NT=Rom. 1:29-32
- The ways of the wicked.
- Those quick to do evil.
- Those who justify the wicked.
- Adultery
- OT=Lev. 18:20, 26, 27, 29; 20:10; Ez
- NT=Rom. 1:24-28; I Cor. 6:9
- Homosexuality and Lesbianism
- OT=Lev. 18:22, 26, 27, 29; 20:13, 23
- NT=Rom. 1:24-28; I Cor. 6:9
- Lying with beasts
- OT=Lev. 18:23, 26, 27, 29
- Prostitution
- Interracial marriage
- OT=Ezra 9:1-14; 10:10; Mal. 2:11
- Murder
- False witness
- OT=Prov. 6:16,17,19; 12:22; Is.
- Troublemakers
- Evil thoughts
- OT=Prov. 6:18; 15:26; Psalms 10:4
- NT=Acts 8:22
- Proud heart
- OT=Psalm 10:2-6; Prov. 6:17; 16:5
- Self righteousness
- OT=Is. 65:5
- NT=Luke 16:15; 18:10-14; Rom.
- The prayers of those who harden their hearts.
- Wrong attire
- The eating of certain foods
- Sacrifice of deformed animals
- False balances- diverse weights and measures
- OT=Deut. 25:13-16; Prov. 11:1; 20:10;
Micah 6:10
- Observations to be observed unto the Lord
- Worship
- OT=I Chron. 16:29; Psalm 95:6; 96:9
- NT=Matt. 4:10; John 4:23-24; Acts 24:14; Rev.
- Reverence
- OT=Deut. 10:12; Psalm 89:7
- NT=Heb. 12:9
- Gratitude
- OT=Deut. 8:10; Psalm 75:1; 92:1-5, 95:1-7;
103:1-2; 105:1; 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-4
- NT=Rom.1:8-9; I Cor. 1:4; Eph. 1:15-16; Phil.
1:3; Col. 1:3-6
- Obediance
- OT=Deut. 6:4-5; 11:8; 28:1-2
- NT=Matt. 12:50; John 14:15, 23; I Peter
- Love
- OT=Deut. 6:4-5; 10:12; 11:1,13; 30:6, 16, 20
- NT=Matt. 22:37-38; Mark 12:30; Luke
- Service
- OT=Deut. 10:12,20; 11:13-15
- NT=Matt. 4:10; Luke 1:74; Acts 27:23; Rom.
- Keeping Vows made unto the Lord
- OT=Num. 30:2-16; Deut. 23:21-23
- NT=Matt. 5:33
- Accountability to the Lord
- Universal
- NT=Acts 17:30-31; Rom. 14:12
- National
- OT=Joshua 1:11-13; 7:1-26; Psalm 33:12;
Prov. 14:34; Is. 26:2; Jer. 4:2, 7:28; 9:9; 12:17; Zech. 2:11
- NT=Matt. 25:31-46
- Family
- OT=Joshua 1:14-18; 7:1-26
- Personal
- OT=II Sam. 24:1-15; Job 34:10-11; Psalm
- NT=Matt. 12:36; 16:27; Luke 21:36; Rom.
2:1-12; 14:10-12; II Cor. 5:10; Gal. 6:7; Eph. 6:8; Jude 1:14-15;
Rev. 20:12-13
- Israel to become a great nation and a company of nations
- OT=Gen. 12:2; 17:4-6; 18:18; 35:11; 46:3; Ex.
32:10; Deut. 26:5
- Israel to be as numerous as the sands in the sea and the stars of
- OT=Gen 13:16; 15:5; 16:10; 17:6; 22:17; 26:4;
28:14; 32:12; 48:4; Deut. 32:13; Num. 32:10; Deut. 1:10; 26:5; I
Kings 3:8; I Chron. 27:23; Is. 10:22; Jer. 33:22; Hosea 1:10
- NT=Rom. 9:27; Heb. 11:11-12
- God's people, Israel to become known as the Son's of the Living God.
- OT=Jer. 50:6, 17; Hosea 1:10
- NT=Mat. 10:6; 15:24; John 10:14, 16, 25, 27, 28
Acts 2:36; Rom. 8:29; 9:25, 26; 11:1; Gal. 4:4-7; Eph. 1:3-5; I Peter
2:25; Rev. 12:17
- Israel to called by a new name.
- OT=Is. 62:2; 65:15; Hosea 2:17
- NT=Acts 11:26; Rev. 3:14
- As Christians, Israel to be set apart from the world and
its evils
- NT=Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:36; Luke 9:25; John
15:19; 17:11; Rom. 12:2; I Cor. 5:9-13; 11:32; II Cor. 6:14-18;
Gal. 1:4; Eph. 6:12; Col. 2:8, 20; II Tim. 2:4; James 4:4; II
Peter 2:20; I John 2:15-17 I John 4:4-5; I John 5:4-5, 19; Rev.
- While still living in Palestine, God promised His people, Israel, a
new land in which to dwell.
- OT=II Sam. 7:10; I Chron. 17:9
- National Israel to make no alliance with the heathen.
- OT=Ex. 22:31; 34:12, 15; Deut. 7:1-4
- NT=II Cor. 6:14-17
- Israel to lend to, but not to borrow from other nations.
- There is to be one Law for Israel and the foreigner living in the
midst of her.
- OT=Ex. 12:49; Lev. 24:22; Num. 9:14; 15:15,
- Foreigner to abide by God's Law.
- OT=Lev. 16:29; 17:12, 15; 18:26; 24:16,22;
25:6; Num. 9:14; 15:14-16; 29; 30; 35:15; Duet. 5:14; 2 4:17; 27:19;
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