- Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy (Forth Commandment)
- OT=Ex. 20:8-11; 31:13-17; Deut. 5:12-15; Ez.
- NT=Mark 2:27-28
- Israel to keep the Sabbath as a day of rest.
- OT=Gen. 2:2-3; Ex. 16:23; 20:8, 11;
31:13,15-17; 34:21; 35:2; Lev. 19:3; 23:3; Deut. 5:12-13; Is. 56:2;
Ez. 20:12, 20
- NT=Luke 23:54-56; Heb. 4:4, 9-11
- NOT to work on the Sabbath.
- OT=Ex. 20:9-10; 23:12; 31:14;
Lev. 23:3; Deut. 5:14; Neh. 13:15-22; Jer.
- Not to seek one's own pleasure on the Sabbath
- No buying or selling on the Sabbath
- OT=Neh. 10:31; 13:15-22; Jer.
- No purchase of food on the Sabbath.
- If hungry, one can eat of the field
- OT=Duet. 23:25
- NT=Matt.12:1-8; Mark 2:23-26;
- Cooking forbidden on the Sabbath.
- Certain necessities ( As healing ) lawful on the Sabbath.
- NT=Matt. 12:10-13; Mark 3:1-5; Luke
13:10-17; 14:1-5; John 5:8-16; 7:22-24
- Cattle must rest on the Sabbath.
- Sabbath was made for man.
- Penalty for not keeping the Sabbath was death.
- Requirements of a Bishop
- Requirements of Deacons
- Requirements of the congregation in the church.
- Woman to keep silent.
- NT=I Cor. 14: 34-35; I Tim. 2:11
- Woman to pray or prophesy with head covered
- NT=I Cor. 11:5-6, 10,13,15
- Men to pray or prophesy with head uncovered.
- Not to speak in unknown tongues without an interpreter.
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Toward Man
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