By Christian Edwardson


1. The Perfect Guide | 2. Forging New Weapons | 3. Rome Undermines the Protestant Foundations | 4. The Prophetic History of the World | 5. “A Time, and Times, and Half a Time” | 6. Other Marks Of Identity | 7. Christ and the Sabbath | 8. The New Testament Rest Day | 9. The Sabbath in History | 10. Sunday in the Early Church | 11. Influences Toward Apostasy | 12. The Waldenses | 13. Celtic Sabbath-Keepers | 14. Wycliffe, Huss, and Zinzendorf | 15. Sabbath-Keepers in India | 16. The Reformation | 17. Finishing the Reformation | 18. Sabbath Reform in Scandinavia | 19. The Taiping Revolution | 20. The Two Mysteries | 21. The Antichrist | 22. The Time of the End | 23. A Message for Our Times | 24. The United States in Prophecy | 25. Making America Catholic | 26. Americanism Versus Romanism | 27. The Jesuits | 28. The Mark of the Beast | 29. The Image to the Beast

Edited by Barbara Parada and Richard C. Nickels, 2003.

Facts of Faith is available in paperback for a suggested donation of $10 plus $2 postage from:
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