Kenneth Herrmann




NB: most of these items were kindly scanned by Susan Herrmann.

Articles, letters, transcripts, photographs



Ambassador College Memoirs Detailed information about the early years of Ambassador College
Calendar Research His extensive research into the Hebrew Calendar. Collection of research by others here
Genesis Research  
Hoeh-Herrmann Letters Letters on the pre-Adamic world, geology etc
Micellaneous articles A range of interesting items
Monkey Business  
Charles Taze Russell Research Russell was the founder of the organisation that later became known as the Jehovah Witnesses.
Letter concerning Charles Russell I cannot find this 6 page letter that I used to possess - Mr Herrmann wrote to someone about Russell. It is dated 6 March 1975. Should anyone come upon it, please scan and send it to me.
Tribute Tributes about him after his passing in 2006


The following is from the BibArch site:

Kenneth Herrmann (1924-2006), writer and college administrator, was born in 1924 on a dairy farm in a German speaking community in the Colby Wisconsin area. His parents were children of German immigrants. As a child he spoke German.

When Herrmann first heard Herbert W. Armstrong speak on the World Tomorrow radio program he was working as a farmhand in Nebraska. He drove out to Pasadena in 1948 thinking that if Mr. Armstrong was telling the truth "it would be worthwhile to go out and check this man out."

He ended up enrolling in Ambassador as the only new student to arrive in time for the second year of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. He graduated in 195?. In 1952 Herrmann married an Ambassador coed who was from the Little Rock area of Arkansas – Elise Bernard ( who died in 1997).

Among his credits Herrmann served as registrar and as head of the college admissions program. He was a teacher of astronomy and geology at Ambassador College. Herrmann was editor of the Ambassador College yearbook, The Envoy, and for a time a programmer for the punch card addressing system used by the then Radio Church of God to send out The Plain Truth magazine and other correspondence

In 1972 Herrmann he took extended Sabbatical leave due to internal political problems in the Worldwide Church of God administration and later retired. He settled in the Big Sandy, Texas, area.

Herrmann wrote various articles for the early Plain Truth and Good News magazines including "How long were the 'days' of Creation?," "Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?," "Beautiful in it's Simplicity, A calendar Based solely on Biblical Principles," and "God's Sacred Calendar."

In the 1940 GOOD NEWS letter by HWA, the foundation was laid for our understanding of the Hebrew Calendar. Later, Herrmann wrote an article on the subject in the March 1953 GOOD NEWS. The article was republished in the February 1957 GOOD NEWS (with small changes) – this research has continued as the foundation for Church of God calendar research. His 1967 Master of Arts Thesis was titled "Calendar and Eclipse Interrelationships"

Other information:

It is my sad duty to announce the death of my Dad , Kenneth Herrmann, on Thursday March 23.

Many of you will remember him as  the registrar and head of admissions at Ambassador in Pasadena as well as a teacher of astronomy, geology, and German. He also wrote  many articles in the Plain Truth and Good News on science and evolution and calender issues.   

After moving to the Big Sandy area in 1972 Dad taught on the Big Sandy campus and guest taught some summers in Pasadena. In recent years he lived in the Richardson, Texas area near my brother and sister. While he continued to be a member of the Worldwide Church of God after the splits in 1992 he often wished that he felt free to attend with all the splits  ( his retirement pension he felt prevented that ) and complained regularly that Mr Armstrong's teaching was no longer mentioned, joking that the new preaching didn't bother him much though because his hearing was so bad. Recently he obtained a copy of United's statement of beliefs and expressed high praise for it.   

Dad was 82. 

- Susan & Brenda Herrmann (24 March 2006)