
Garner Ted Armstrong


Articles, Sermons, Bible Studies



Photographs of my visit to ICG head office January 2018
Ezekiel's Message audios A prophetic warning to the House of Israel of future invasion and captivity
Audio Sermons, Bible Studies and Broadcasts Scores of terrific messages over decades! More here at Soundcloud
Rare 1950s Sermons and Broadcasts  
GTA Sings A number of spiritual songs by GTA
Select articles and booklets  
GTA brochure (c1974) Includes a 'wallet', photograph and several information sheets
Visit to Perth, Australia (1977) Other cities were visited on the trip. Probably Sydney and Melbourne
GTA car sticker 1977/78 (Australia)  
GTA visit to Australia 1995 A visit to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
GTA visit to Australia 2003
A video and audio messages available here

In February 2003 Garner Ted Armstrong travelled to Australia for a three date personal appearance campaign including Gold Coast and Sydney.

GTA and the Early Work in Australia  
Miscellaneous Items  
GTA in Remembrance Funeral brochure
Grave site information at Find a Grave  
Photographs of gravesite January 2018

Garner Ted Armstrong Milestones

1930 born 9 Feb, Portland, Oregon

1947 graduates from school, Eugene, Oregon

1947 moves to Pasadena

1948 joins navy

1952 honourable discharge from the navy

1952 enters Ambassador College

1953 baptised

1953 8 March, marries Shirley Hammer

1955 ordained

1956 BA conferred by Ambassador College

1958-78 made Church Vice President

1958 begins to do World Tomorrow radio broadcast

1959 12 Nov, visits Australia

1960 Aug, visits Australia and arranges broadcast on 2KY (the prgram had been removed from 2CH due to pressure)

1960 MA conferred by Ambassador College

1964 PhD conferred by Ambassador College

196x begins to do the World Tomorrow telecast

1970 visits Jerusalem

1970s various overseas trips for evangelism and broadcasts

1972 began daily television

1973 April, began daily 5 minute "capsule" radio programs for Australia

1975-78 President of Ambassador College

1977 Nov, visits Australia

1995 Feb, visits Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane)

2003 Feb, visits Australia (Sydney, Gold Coast etc)

2003 15 Sept, dies