Psalm 95Words: Isaac Watts
A Psalm before prayer. 1 Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice; When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice. 2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honor sing; The Lord's a God of boundless might, The whole creation's King. 3 Let princes hear, let angels know, How mean their natures seem, Those gods on high and gods below, When once compared with him. 4 Earth, with its caverns dark and deep, Lies in his spacious hand; He fixed the seas what bounds to keep, And where the hills must stand. 5 Come, and with humble souls adore, Come, kneel before his face; O may the creatures of his power Be children of his grace! 6 Now is the time; he bends his ear, And waits for your request; Come, lest he rouse his wrath and swear, "Ye shall not see my rest." 1 Come, let our voices join to raise A sacred song of solemn praise; God is a sov'reign King, rehearse His honors in exalted verse. 2 Come, let our souls address the Lord, Who framed our natures with his word; He is our Shepherd; we the sheep His mercy chose, his pastures keep. 3 Come, let us hear his voice to-day, The counsels of his love obey; Nor let our hardened hearts renew The sins and plagues that Isr'el knew. 4 Isr'el, that saw his works of grace, Yet tempt their Maker to his face; A faithless, unbelieving brood, That tried the patience of their God. 5 Thus saith the Lord: "How false they prove Forget my power, abuse my love! Since they despise my rest, I swear, Their feet shall never enter there." 6 Look back, my soul, with holy dread, And view those ancient rebels dead; Attend the offered grace to-day, Nor lose the blessing by delay. 7 Seize the kind promise while it waits, And march to Zion's heav'nly gates: Believe, and take the promised rest; Obey, and be forever blessed. |