Psalm 113
Words: Isaac Watts
Proper tune
888.888 (AAC BBC) The majesty and condescension of God.
1 Ye that delight to serve the Lord,
The honors of his name record,
His sacred name for ever bless;
Where'er the circling sun displays
His rising beams, or setting rays,
Let lands and seas his power confess.
2 Not time, nor nature's narrow rounds,
Can give his vast dominion bounds,
The heav'ns are far below his height:
Let no created greatness dare
With our eternal God compare,
Armed with his uncreated might.
3 He bows his glorious head to view
What the bright hosts of angels do,
And bends his care to mortal things;
His sov'reign hand exalts the poor,
He takes the needy from the door,
And makes them company for kings.
4 When childless families despair,
He sends the blessing of an heir,
To rescue their expiring name;
The mother, with a thankful voice,
Proclaims his praises and her joys:
Let ev'ry age advance his fame.
God, sovereign and gracious.
1 Ye servants of th' Almighty King,
In ev'ry age his praises sing;
Where'er the sun shall rise or set,
The nations shall his praise repeat.
2 Above the earth, beyond the sky,
Stands his high throne of majesty;
Nor time nor place his power restrain,
Nor bound his universal reign.
3 Which of the sons of Adam dare,
Or angels, with their God compare ?
His glories how divinely bright,
Who dwells in uncreated light!
4 Behold his love! he stoops to view
What saints above and angels do;
And condescends yet more to know
The mean affairs of men below.
5 From dust and cottages obscure,
His grace exalts the humble poor;
Gives them the honor of his sons,
And fits them for their heav'nly thrones.
6 A word of his creating voice
Can make the barren house rejoice;
Though Sarah's ninety years were past,
The promis'e seed is born at last.
7 With joy the mother views her son,
And tells the wonders God has done:
Faith may grow strong when sense despairs,
If nature fails, the promise bears.