Psalm 72

Words: The Scottish Psalter

Common Metre Tunes

A Psalm for Solomon.

   1  O Lord, thy judgments give the king,
         his son thy righteousness.
   2  With right he shall thy people judge,
         thy poor with uprightness.
   3  The lofty mountains shall bring forth
         unto the people peace;
      Likewise the little hills the same
         shall do by righteousness.
   4  The people's poor ones he shall judge,
         the needy's children save;
      And those shall he in pieces break
         who them oppressed have.
   5  They shall thee fear, while sun and moon
         do last, through ages all.
   6  Like rain on mown grass he shall drop,
         or show'rs on earth that fall.
   7  The just shall flourish in his days,
         and prosper in his reign:
      He shall, while doth the moon endure,
         abundant peace maintain.
   8  His large and great dominion shall
         from sea to sea extend:
      It from the river shall reach forth
         unto earth's utmost end.
   9  They in the wilderness that dwell
         bow down before him must;
      And they that are his enemies
         shall lick the very dust.
  10  The kings of Tarshish, and the isles,
         to him shall presents bring;
      And unto him shall offer gifts
         Sheba's and Seba's king.
  11  Yea, all the mighty kings on earth
         before him down shall fall;
      And all the nations of the world
         do service to him shall.
  12  For he the needy shall preserve,
         when he to him doth call;
      The poor also, and him that hath
         no help of man at all.
  13  The poor man and the indigent
         in mercy he shall spare;
      He shall preserve alive the souls
         of those that needy are.
  14  Both from deceit and violence
         their soul he shall set free;
      And in his sight right precious
         and dear their blood shall be.
  15  Yea, he shall live, and giv'n to him
         shall be of Sheba's gold:
      For him still shall they pray, and he
         shall daily be extolled.
  16  Of corn an handful in the earth
         on tops of mountains high,
      With prosp'rous fruit shall shake, like trees
         on Lebanon that be.
      The city shall be flourishing,
         her citizens abound
      In number shall, like to the grass
         that grows upon the ground.
  17  His name for ever shall endure;
         last like the sun it shall:
      Men shall be blessed in him, and blessed
         all nations shall him call.
  18  Now bless�d be the Lord our God,
         the God of Israel,
      For he alone doth wondrous works,
         in glory that excel.
  19  And bless�d be his glorious name
         to all eternity:
      The whole earth let his glory fill.
         Amen, so let it be.

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