Psalm 16

Words: The Scottish Psalter

C. M.

Michtam of David.

   1  Lord, keep me; for I trust in thee.
   2     To God thus was my speech,
      Thou art my Lord; and unto thee
         my goodness doth not reach:
   3  To saints on earth, to th' excellent,
         where my delight's all placed.
   4  Their sorrows shall be multiplied
         to other gods that haste:
      Of their drink-offerings of blood
         I will no off'ring make;
      Yea, neither I their very names
         up in my lips will take.
   5  God is of mine inheritance
         and cup the portion;
      The lot that fallen is to me
         thou dost maintain alone.
   6  Unto me happily the lines
         in pleasant places fell;
      Yea, the inheritance I got
         in beauty doth excel.
   7  I bless the Lord, because he doth
         by counsel me conduct;
      And in the seasons of the night
         my reins do me instruct.
   8  Before me still the Lord I set:
         since it is so that he
      Doth ever stand at my right hand,
         I shall not mov�d be.
   9  Because of this my heart is glad,
         and joy shall be expressed
      Ev'n by my glory; and my flesh
         in confidence shall rest.
  10  Because my soul in grave to dwell
         shall not be left by thee;
      Nor wilt thou give thine Holy One
         corruption to see.
  11  Thou wilt me show the path of life:
         of joys there is full store
      Before thy face; at thy right hand
         are pleasures evermore.

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