Psalm 34Words: Thomas
Sternhold, as in The Scottish Psalter of 1635
Note: we have modernized the spelling in this setting, but have retained the Archaic "eke" (also). See our Sternhold and Hopkins Psalm 34 for a version that has been modernized in this regard (and slightly altered in some other areas). 1 I will give laud and honor both unto the Lord always; And eke my mouth for evermore shall speak unto his praise. 2 I do delight to laude the Lord, in soul, and eke in voice, That humble men and mortified, may hear and so rejoice. 3 Therefore see that ye magnify with me the living Lord; Let us exalt his holy Name together with one accord. 4 For I myself besought the Lord, he answered me again, And me relieved incontinent From all my fear and pain. 5 Whoso they be that him behold, shall see his light most clear; Their countenance shall not be dashed, they need it not to fear. 6 This silly wretch for some relief unto the Lord did call, Who did him hear without delay, and rid him out of thrall. 7 The angel of the Lord doth pitch his tents in ev'ry place, To save all such as fear the LORD, that nothing them deface. 8 Taste, and consider well therefore, that God is good and just! O happy man, that maketh him his only stay and trust! 9 Fear ye the Lord, his holy ones, above all earthly thing; For they that fear the living Lord, are sure to lack nothing. 10 The lions shall be hunger-bit, and pined with famine much; But as for them that fear the Lord, no lack shall be to such. The Second Part. 11 Come near therefore, my children, dear and to my words give ear; I shall you teach the perfect way, how ye the Lord shall fear. 12 Who is the man that would live long, and lead a bless-ed life? See thou refrain thy tongue and lips from all deceit and strife. 13 Turn back thy face from doing ill, and do the godly deed: Inquire for peace and quietness, and follow it with speed. 14 For why? the eyes of God above upon the just are bent; His ears likewise to hear the plaint of the poor innocent. 15 But he doth frown, and bend his brows upon the wicked train, And cuts away the memory that should of them remain. 16 But when the just do call and cry, the Lord doth hear them so, That out of pain and misery forthwith he lets them go. 17 The Lord is kind and straight at hand to such as be contrite:, He saves also the sorrowful the meek and pure in sprite. 18 Full many be the miseries that righteous men do suff'r; But out of all adversities the Lord doth them deliver. 19 The Lord doth so preserve and keep their very bones alway, That not so much as one of them doth perish or decay. 20 The sin shall slay the wicked man which he himself hath wrought; And such as hate the righteous man shall soon be brought to nought. 21 But they that fear the living Lord are ever safe and sound; And as for those that trust in him, nothing shall them confound. 1 I will give laud and honor both unto the Lord always; And eke my for evermore shall speak unto his praise.