Psalm 136

Words: John Craig, as in  The Scottish Psalter of 1635
Note: this is one of the few Psalms from this Psalter that were 
retained in the Scottish Psalter of 1650. The 1650 version was 
considerably altered, but is recognizable as having derived from this 
version. Here is the 1650 version

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anonymous, as presented in the 
Scottish Psalter of 1635,
  1  O Laud the LORD benign
     Whose mercies lasts for aye.
  2  Give thanks and praises sing
     To God of gods I say:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
  3  The Lord of lords praise ye,
     Whose mercies aye do dure.
  4  Great wonders only he
     Doth work by his great pow'r
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
   5  Which LORD omnipotent,
      By his great wisdom he,
      The heavnly firmament
      Did frame, as we may see:
         For certainly
         His mercies dure
         Most firm and sure
  6  Yea, he the heavy charge,
     Of all the earth did stretch:,
     And on the waters large
     The same he did outreach:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
  7  Great lights he made to be;
     For why, his love is aye:
  8  Such as the sun we see,
     To rule the lightsome day:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
  9  And eke the Moon so clear,
     (Which shineth in our sight;)
     The stars that do appear,
     To guide the darksome night:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 10  With grevious plagues and sore,
     All �gypt smote he then:
     Their first-born less and more
     He slew of beast and man:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 11  And from amidst their land;
     His Israel forth brought,.
 12  Which He with mighty hand,
     And stretch-ed arm hath wrought:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 13  The sea he cut in two;
     Which stood up like a wall,
 14  And made through it to go
     His chosen children all:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 15  But there he whelm-ed then
     The proud king Pharaoh,
     With his huge host of men,
     And chariots eke also:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 16  Who led through wilderness
     His people safe and sound,
     And for his love endless,
 17  Great kings he brought to ground:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 18  And slew with puissant hand;
     Kings mighty and of fame.
 19  As of amorites land
     Sihon the King by name:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 20  And Og the Giant large
     Of Bashan King also:
 21  Whose land for heritage
     He gave his people tho:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 21  Their land by lot he gave;
     For his grace faileth never,
 22  That Isr'el might it have
     In heritage for ever:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 22  Even unto Israsl
     His servant dear, I say
     He gave the same to dwell
     And thre abide for ay:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure
 23  To mind he did us call
     In our most base degree,
 24  And from oppressors all
     In safety set us free:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure

 25  All flesh on earth abroad
     With food he doth fulfill:
 26  Wherefore of Heavn the GOD
     To laud be it your will:
        For certainly
        His mercies dure
        Most firm and sure

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