Psalm 46Words: The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1887 ed. Note: This page also has a Long Metre and Common Metre version of this psalm.
1 God will our strength and refuge prove, In all distress a present aid; And though the trembling earth remove, We will not fear or be dismayed. 2 Though hills be cast amid the sea, And angry billows 'round them break, Though waters roar and troubled be, And mountains with their swelling shake. 3 A river flows, whose living streams Make glad the city of our God, The tents where heavenly glory beams, Where God most High hath his abode. 4 God has in her his dwelling made~ And she shall never more be moved; Her God shall early give her aid, As he her help hath ever proved. 5 The kingdoms moved, the heathen raged He spake, earth melted at his word; And though the trembling earth remove, Our refuge high is Jacob's Lord. 6 Come, see the works of God displayed The wonders of his mighty hand; What desolations he hath made, What ruin spread through all the land. 7 From earth the scourge of war he takes, The deadly strife to peace he turns, The spear he cuts, the bow he breaks, And in the fire the chariot burns. 8 Be still; know I am God Most High, O'er earth, o'er heathen I will reign. The Lord of hosts to us is nigh, Our shield shall Jacob's God remain. 1 God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aid; And therefore though the earth remove, We will not be afraid; 2 Though hills amidst the seas be cast; Though waters roaring make, And troubled he; yea, though the hills By swelling seas do shake. 3 A river is whose streams make glad The city of our God; The holy place wherein the Lord Most High hath his abode. 4 God in the midst of her doth dwell, And nothing shall her move; God also very early will To her a helper prove. 5 The heathen raged in tumult great, And moved the kingdoms were; The Lord Most High sent forth his voice The earth did melt for fear. 6 Our God, who is the Lord of hosts, Is ever on our side; The God of Jacob evermore Our refuge will abide. 7 O come, behold what wondrous works Have by the Lord been wrought; Come, see what desolations he Upon the earth hath brought. 8 And to the ends of all the earth Wars into peace he turns: The bow he breaks, the spear he cuts, In fire the chariot burns. 9 Be still, and know that I am God; Among the heathen I Will be exalted; I on earth Will be exalted high. 10 Our God, who is the Lord of hosts, Is ever on our side; The God of Jacob evermore Our refuge will abide. |