Psalm 19

Words: The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1887 ed.

Note: This page also has Common Metre  version of this psalm.

Hallelujah Metre (6666 88, or Hallelujah Metre -- HM)

   1  The glory of the Lord
      The heavens declare abroad;
      The firmament displays
      The handiwork of God;
         Day unto day declareth speech,
         And night to night doth knowledge teach.
   2  Aloud they do not speak,
      They utter forth no word,
      Nor into language break;
      Their voice is never heard.
         Their line through all the earth extends,
         Their words to earth's remotest ends.
   3  In them he for the sun
      Hath set a dwelling-place;
      Rejoicing as a man
      Of strength, to run a race;
         He, bridegroom like in his array,
         Comes from his chamber, bringing day.
   4  His daily going forth
      Is from the end of heaven;
      The firmament to him
      Is for his circuit given-
         His circuit reaches to its ends,
         And everywhere his heat extends.
   5  God's perfect law converts
      The soul in sin that lies;
      His testimony sure
      Doth make the simple wise;
         His statutes just delight the heart;
         His holy precepts light impart.
   6  The fear of God is clean,
      And ever doth endure;
      His judgments all are truth,
      And righteousness most pure.
         To be desired are they far more
         Than finest gold in richest store.
   7  God's judgments to the taste
      More sweet than honey are
      Than honey from the comb
      That droppeth, sweeter far.
         With counsel they thy servant guard;
         In keeping them is great reward.
   8  Who can his errors know?
      From secret faults me cleanse;
      Thy servant keep thou back
      From ail presumptuous sins.
         O let them not my way control,
         Nor gain dominion o'er my soul.
   9  Then in thy righteous way
      My life shall upright be;
      I shall be innocent
      From great transgressions free.
         Accept my words and thoughts of heart-
         Lord, thou my strength and Savior art

Common Metre Tunes

   1  The heavens God's glory do declare,
         The skies his hand's works preach;
      Day utters speech to day, and night
         To night doth knowledge teach.
   2  No language utter they, nor speech,
         No voice of theirs is heard;
      Yet though the world their line goes forth
         To ends of earth their word.
   3  There for the sun he pitched a tent,
         Who comes with beaming face
      As bridegroom comes, and giant-like
         With joy begins his race.
   4  His circuit is from heaven's end,
         And back to it again;
      And there is nothing from his heat
         That hidden doth remain.
   5  God's law is perfect, and converts
         The soul in sin that lies:
      God's testimony is most sure,
         And makes the simple wise.
   6  The statutes of the Lord are right,
         And do rejoice the heart;
      The Lord's command is pure, and doth
         Light to the eyes impart.
   7  Unspotted is the fear of God,
         And ever doth endure;
      The judgments of the Lord are truth
         And righteousness most pure.
   8  They more than gold, yea, much fine gold
         To be desir�d are;
      Than honey, honey from the comb
         That droppeth sweeter far.
   9  Moreover, they thy servant warn
         How he his life should frame
      A great reward provided is
         For them that keep the same.
  10  Who can his errors understand?
         From secret faults me cleanse:
      Thy servant also keep thou back
         From all presumptuous sins.
  11  And do not suffer them to have
         Dominion over me;
      I shall be righteous then, and from
         The great transgression free.
  12  The words which from my mouth proceed,
         The thoughts sent from my heart,
      Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength
         And my Redeemer art.

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004