Psalm 112Words: The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1887 ed. Note: There is also a Long Metre version on this page. 1 Praise ye the Lord; that man is blest Who doth Jehovah fear; Yea, blest is he whose great delight His holy precepts are. 2 His offspring for their might shall be Upon the earth renowned; The generation of the just In blessings shall abound. 3 Abundant wealth within his house Shall ever be in store; And his unspotted righteousness Endures forevermore. 4 Light to the upright doth arise, Though he in darkness be; Compassionate, and merciful And ever just is he. 5 A good man doth his favor show And doth to others lend: He with discretion his affairs Will guide unto the end. 6 There surely is not any thing That ever shall him move: The righteous man's memorial Shall everlasting prove. 7 When evil tidings he shall hear, He shall not be afraid: His heart is fixed, his confidence Upon the Lord is stayed. 8 Established firmly is his heart, Afraid he shall not be, Until upon his enemies He his desire shall see. 9 He hath dispersed his wealth abroad, And given to the poor; His horn with honor shall be raised, His righteousness endure. 10 The wicked shall it see, and grieve, His teeth gnash, melt away: What wicked men do most desire Shall utterly decay: 1 How blest the man that fears the Lord, And makes his law his chief delight; His seed shall share his great reward, And on the earth be men of might. 2 Abounding wealth shall bless his home, His righteousness shall still endure, To him shall light arise in gloom; He's kind, compassionate and pure. 3 The good will favor show, and lend, And his affairs discreetly guide; Unmoved he stands till life shall end, His name and honor shall abide. 4 No evil tidings shall he fear; His heart doth on the Lord repose; He stands unmoved by dangers near, Till he shall see his prostrate foes. 5 Dispersing gifts among the poor, His lib'ral hands their wants supply; His righteousness shall still endure, His pow'r shall be exalted high. 6 The wicked' shall his honor see, Consume with grief, and gnash and wail; Their hopes shall disappointed be, And their desires forever fail. |