Psalm 10
Words: The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church
of North America, 1887 ed.
Note: This page has an additional version of this Psalm below
1 O wherefore is it, Lord, that thou
Dost stand from us so far?
And wherefore dost thou hide thyself
When times so troublous are?
2 The wicked in their pride pursue,
And make the poor their prey:
Let them be taken in the snares
Which they for others lay.
3 The wicked of his heart's desire
Doth talk with boasting great;
He blesseth him that's covetous,
Whom yet the Lord doth hate.
4 The wicked, through his pride of face,
On God will never call
And in the counsels of his heart
The Lord is not at all.
5 His ways at all times grievous are;
Thy judgments from his sight
Are far removed: at all his foes
He puffeth with despite.
6 Within his heart he thus hath said,
I never moved shall be;
And no adversity at all
Shall ever come to me.
7 With cursing, fraud, and foul deceit,
His mouth is always filled;
While vanity and mischief lie
Beneath his tongue concealed.
8 He closely sits in villages;
He slays the innocent:
Against the poor that pass him by
His cruel eyes are bent.
9 He, lion-like, lurks in his den;
He waits the poor to take;
And when he draws him in his net.
His prey he doth him make.
10 Himself, he humbleth very low,
He croucheth down withal,
That so a multitude of poor
May by his strong ones fall.
11 He thus hath said within his heart,
The Lord hath quite forgot;
He hides his countenance, and he
Forever sees it not.
12 Arise, Jehovah, O thy God,
Lift up thy hand on high;
Put not the meek, afflicted ones
Out of thy memory.
13 O why is it the wicked man
Thus doth the Lord despise?
Because that God will it require
He in his heart denies.
14 Thou hast it seen; for thou their spite
And mischief wilt repay:
The poor commits himself to thee;
Thou art the orphan's stay.
15 The arm break of the wicked man,
And of the evil one;
Do thou seek out his wickedness,
Until thou findest none.
16 The Lord is King through ages all,
His throne shall ever stand;
The heathen people utterly
Are perished from his land.
17 O Lord, of those that humble are
Thou the desire didst hear;
Thou wilt prepare their heart, and thou
To hear wilt bend thy ear.
18 To judge the fatherless, and those
Beneath oppression sore;
That man, who is but sprung of earth,
May them oppress no more.
1 O Wherefore dost thou stand
From us, O Lord, so far?
And why dost thou conceal thyself,
When times so troublous are?
2 The wicked in his pride
Doth persecute the poor;
The evil things which they devised,
The same let them endure.
3 He of his soul's desire
Doth talk with boasting great;
He blesses him that's covetous,
Whom yet the Lord doth hate.
4 The wicked seeks not God,
Restrained through pride of face;
In all his thoughts the thought of God
Hath in his heart no place.
5 His ways still grievous are,
And far above his sight
Thy judgments are; at all his foes
He puffs with scornful spite.
6 He in his heart hath said,
"I never moved shall be,
And I from all adversity
Forever shall be free."
7 With cursing, fraud, deceit,
His mouth is ever filled;
Whilst vanity and mischief lie
Beneath his tongue concealed.
8 In villages he lurks,
And slays the innocent;
His eyes are set against the poor,
On secret mischief bent.
9 Concealed he lies in wait,
Like lion in his lair;
He takes the poor and needy one
Entangled in his snare.
10 Himself he humbleth low,
He croucheth down withal,
That so a multitude of poor
May by his strong ones fall.
11 He says within his heart,
"The Lord hath quite forgot;
He turns away his countenance,
His eye beholds it not."
12 Do thou, O Lord, arise,
O God, lift up thy hand,
Do not forget the suffering poor,
The humble in the land.
13 Why doth the wicked man
The mighty God despise?
Because that thou wilt it require,
He in his heart denies.
14 But thou hast seen, thou wilt
Their wrongs and spite repay;
The poor commits himself to thee,
Thou art the orphan's stay.
15 Break thou the wicked's arm,
Subdue the evil one;
And search out all his wickedness
Until thou findest none.
16 Jehovah ever reigns,
And firm his throne shall stand.
The heathen nations are destroyed
Forever from his land.
17 Of those that humble are,
Thou, Lord, hast heard the prayer,
Thou also wilt prepare their heart,
And still incline thine ear.
18 To judge the fatherless,
And those by men distressed,
That they by man that is of earth
May be no more oppressed.