Psalm 37       W. W.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  Grudge not to see the wicked men
         in wealth to flourish still;
      or envy such as ill to do
         have bent and set their will.
   2  For as the grass and the green herbs
         do wither and decay,
      So shall their great prosperity
         soon fade and pass away.
   3  Trust thou therefore in God alone,
         to do well give thy mind,
      So shalt thou have the land as thine,
         and there sure food shalt find.
   4  In God set all thy heart's delight,
         and look what thou would'st have,
      Or else canst wish in all the world,
         thou need'st it not to crave.
   5  Cast both thyself and thy affairs
         on God with perfect trust;
      And then thou shalt with patience see
         Th' effect both sure and just.
   6  Thy perfect life and godly name
         he will clear as the light,
      So that the sun, e'en at noon day,
         shall not shine half so bright.
   7  Be still therefore, and steadfastly
         on God see thou wait then,
      Not shrinking for the prosp'rous state
         of vile and wicked men.
   8  Shake off despite, envy, and hate,
         let not thy anger rise,
      That thou may'st not be drawn into
         some sinful enterprise.
   9  For ev'ry wicked man will God
         most certainly destroy;
      But such as trust in him are sure
         the land for to enjoy.
  10  Wait but awhile, and thou shalt see
         no more the wicked train;
      No, not so much as house or place
         where once he did remain.
   The Second Part
  11  But merciful and humble men
         enjoy shall sea and land;
      In rest and peace they shall rejoice,
         for nought shall them withstand.
  12  The wicked and malicious do
         against the just conspire;
      They gnash their teeth at him, as men
         who do his bane desire.
  13  But while ungodly men thus think,
         the lord laughs them to scorn;
      For he doth see the time approach,
         when they shall sigh and mourn.
  14  The wicked have their sword withdrawn,
         their bow is also bent,
      To overthrow and kill the poor,
         whose life is innocent.
  15  But the same sword shall pierce their heart,
         which was to kill the just;
      So shall the bow in shivers break,
         wherein they put their trust.
  16  Doubtless, the just man's poor estate
         is to be valued more
      Than all the vile and wicked man's 
         rich pomp and heap-ed store.
  17  For though their power be most strong,
         God will it overthrow:
      Where contrary he doth preserve
         the humble man and low.
  18  He sees by his great providence
         the godly's  upright way,
      And will give them inheritance
         which never shall decay.
  19  Discourag�d they shall not be,
         when some are hard bestead;
      When others shall be hunger-bit,
         they shall be clad and fed.
  20  For whosoever wicked is,
         and enemy to God,
      Shall like the fat of lambs consume,
         or smoke that flies abroad.
   The Third Part
  21  Behold, the wicked borrows much,
         and payeth not again:
      Whereas the just by lib'ral gifts
         the needy doth sustain.
  22  For they whom God doth bless shall have
         the land for heritage;
      And they whom he doth curse likewise
         shall perish in his rage.
  23  The Lord the just man's steps doth guide,
         and all his ways doth bless;
      To every thing he takes in hand
         he giveth good success.
  24  Though he doth fall, yet he is sure
         not utterly to sink;
      For God upholds him with his hand,
         and from him will not shrink.
  25  I have been young, but now am old,
         and never yet saw I
      The just man left, neither his seed
         reduced to beggary.
  26  He gives always most lib'rally,
         and lends where there is need;
      By which he doth from God secure
         a blessing to his seed.
  27  Therefore flee vice and wickedness,
         and virtue do embrace;
      So God shall grant thee long to have
         on earth a dwelling place.
  28  For God so loveth equity,
         and shows to his such grace,
      That he preserveth them, but doth
         cut off the wicked race.
  29  Whereas the good and godly men
         inherit shall the land;
      Having as lord's all things therein
         in their own pow'r and hand.
  30  The just man's mouth doth ever speak
         of matters wise and high;
      His tongue doth talk of judgment, and
         of truth and equity.
  31  For in his heart the law of God
         doth evermore abide;
      So that wherever he doth go,
         his foot shall never slide.
  32  The wicked, like a greedy wolf,
         the just man doth beset,
      By all means seeking him to kill,
         and take him in his net.
  The Fourth Part
  33  But though he fall into his hands,
         God will him succor send;
      Though men against him sentence give,
         yet God will him defend.
  34  Wait thou on God, and keep his way,
         he shall preserve thee then
      The earth to rule, and thou shalt see
         destroyed these wicked men.
  35  The wicked have I seen most strong,
         and placed in high degree;
      Spreading himself, and flourishing
         as doth the laurel-tree.
  36  But suddenly he passed away,
         and lo, he quite was gone;
      Then I him sought, but could not find
         the place where dwelt such one.
  37  Mark and behold the upright man,
         how God doth him increase;
      For the just man shall have at length
         great joy with rest and peace.
  38  As for transgressors, woe to them!
         Destroyed they all shall be;
      God will cut off their budding race
         and rich posterity.
  39  But the salvation of the just
         doth come from God above,
      Who in their trouble sends them aid
         of his mere grace and love.
  40  God evermore delivers them
         from vile men and unjust;
      And still will save them, whilst that they
         in him do put their trust.

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